Chapter Four - Separate Links.

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"Curious?" Mother asked, as she stood in the middle of the library. She turns around and looked at the crying child standing behind her, shivering. The kids knees were bruised and cut up. They were trembling and whimpering. They stood there waiting to be yelled at.

The mother came up to him immediately and kneeled down, taking their hands and looking at them.

She observed how badly they were cut and hugged the child. "It's okay, my child. Let's go to your room and take care of you shall we?" She said, getting back up and picked him up. The child immediately wrapped their legs around her and wrapped their arms around her neck.

They stayed in silence throughout the whole time. She brought the child to the kids room, opening the doors and walked in, closing the door behind her. She put the child down and made a few herbs appear in her hand. The child was amazed and their eyes let up.

"I'll show you how to do that little trick after we're done, okay?" She said, smiling and kissed the Child's forehead.  

The child smiled and nodded, excited. 

The mother sighed and her eyes turned a beautiful bright emerald green. She made a few potions appear and rags. The child admired her so much. They wanted to be like her. Powerful and a sorcerer. 

- - -

"STOP THIS MADNESS!" a injured guard yelled at the man standing above him. 

The man, grinned and shoved his dagger through the guards throat. Blood spurting out. The man wiped the blood off with his sleeve and walked away. 

The sky was gloomy and gray. Ashes filled the air, and the screams of sorrow echoed throughout the whole place. The man walked on all the guards he took down. Piles of bodies.

No one knew what he wanted or why he would do such a thing. Yet, there was at least somebody who knew this man. This monster. 

In the castle, the mother helped the children and everyone else evacuate and went to her husband. "Everyone is gone, and went to the dungeon, where they are safely placed and protected. Still don't know who this man is?" She asked, looking at him. She stood beside him and looked down at the chaos surrounding the kingdom. She worried for her own children, not knowing where they are.

"I may have a suspicion, but, I'm not sure. You should go. I don't want you getting hurt." Father said, and looked at her.

"I am not leaving. I am never leaving your side." She said. Father sighed and opened his mouth, but soon closed it. He didn't want to argue about this at the moment. He nodded in agreement and stood still. He observed the area, and found that monster moving towards the castle doors.

"There he is. Cmon then, we must stop him. This is pure madness he is doing and chaos!" He yelled and the mother made them appear in front of the man. The man stood still, with the dagger he used to kill all those men, and women. Anyone who crossed his path ended up dead.  

"What is your reason for doing this? You creature. Why all of this madness? Why our people?" Father asked, standing tall and kept his voice loud.

The man just stayed in silence and moved his head, looking at the woman standing beside father. He smirked and went up to her slowly. Father stood in front of her, and the mother hissed at him. "Stand down dear husband. What is it? What is your reasoning my child?" She asked and held her breathe. Fear struck her eyes when the man, stood in front of her, and didn't move. She always called everyone her child, no matter what kind of creature they were, and even if they did crimes, she never saw anyone different. And that's what everyone admired her about. 

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