Part 3

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Narrator: Ok everyone, time to cast in your votes! *awkward silence* And it looks like Erika Swan is eliminated! It would make sense because she looks like either a vampire and/or a cosplayer that is dedicated to fantasy.

Erika Swan: Farewell all.

Narrator: Goodbye Erika!

Stacey: Hopefully we got the murderer OR the assassin.

Willow: *Whispers to Maddie* She's wrong.

Stacey: What was that?

Willow and Maddie: Nothing... *whispers* ugh stupid britts.

Narrator: Flick flick.

~Night fall~

Jane: Hey Stace... are you scared?

Stacey: Of course not! I'm the investigator. Why would I be ajefskDGIHyhsjjfshJVSFH!

Jane: Stacey? Wait, where did she go?

~Next morning~

Jane: Stacey was killed last night.

Narrator: Hey... I was hired to say that. I make $50 per day.

Delilah: You pretty much do nothing all day.

Narrator: Don't tell my boss, Croire

Delilah:*Calls Croire* Hey Croire... the NARRATOR IS NOT DOING HIS JOB!... mhm... yeah... no no no... mhm... bye! *hangs up* Croire says you're fired after this game and until then, you're not getting your paycheck.

Narrator: 2 things: 1: NOOOOOOO! 2: How did you get his phone number?

Delilah: He's my cousin.

Narrator: That explains it...

Willow: *whispers to Maddie* Let's frame Delilah.

Maddie: *whispers back* yeah...

Willow: I think it's Delilah. Maddie and I are human lie detectors so tell the truth!

Delilah: What, no!

Maddie: Your pulse is going faster and faster and faster.

Delilah: I swear I am telling the truth!

Maddie: We're getting in your head!

Willow: Oh YeAh? What's 2+2?

Delilah: 5? I MEAN 4!

Maddie: WrOnG! You're the murderer!

Narrator: The results are in and Delilah is eliminated!

Delilah: Wait what?!

Narrator: Good-bye Delilah!

Willow: Let's go play The Sims 4 on the Xbox, Maddie

Maddie: Ok.

Willow: *opens the door* Who is ThAt?

Alex: Oh, hi there.

Willow and Maddie: *screams* Who are you?!

Alex: Hi there. I am Alex. Sorry that I startled you. I found out that I was witch and disabled the powers of the dark psychic, Erika Swan. Who might you 2 be?

Willow: I'm Willow.

Maddie: I'm Maddie.

Alex: I know that you are murderer and assassin. Hey, what if we work together and let the evil side win this game?

Maddie: Yes! Let's do this!

Willow: Yeah!

Alex: Let's get Jane, then eliminate Alexis.

Maddie: Fine by me!

Alex: I hacked into the game to find out what role Alexis has. She is the spy. I will disable her powers so that she won't bug us. I also will be used as a distraction.

Willow: Okay. But, what if, since Maddie is assassin, we get BOTH of the people left on the good side.

Alex: That's an even better idea!

Narrator: Flick flick.


Jane: *wakes up to Willow and Maddie* AHHHHHHHHHHH! *gets killed shortly after Alexis*

~Next morning~

Narrator: Good morning! It looks like the evil side has won because there is no one left on the good side!

Willow, Maddie, and Alex: Yeah! *high fives*

Narrator: Here is everyone's roles *names roles Willow: Murderer | Maddie: Assassin | Annabeth: Survivor | Stacey: Detective | Oliver: Medic | Alex: Witch | Erika Swan: Dark Psychic | Alexis: Survivor | Lucy: Muffin Woman | Delilah: Savior | Jane: Survivor*


Annabeth: I told y'all. I say this in the nicest way possible, they smell like burnt chicken nuggets.

Oliver: I knew it!

Narrator: Congrats Willow and Maddie!

Willow and Maddie: And Alex ugh

Narrator: Uh... sure. Anyway, you won Flicker! And I'm fired aren't I ;-; ?

Delilah: Yeah LIKE DUH

~End of part 3~

Flicker: Fanfiction Script for the Roblox Murder Mystery Game ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now