The Arrival

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(Your POV)
As soon as I stepped out of the airport I felt the cool air tickle my skin. I could see my breath and began to wonder when my sister would get here. All I was told was to look for a faded red, old Chevrolet truck. After several minutes I saw the truck pull up by the curb. I quickly tossed my lightly packed suitcase in the back and hopped in.

"Only one suitcase?" My sister, Bella, chuckled, "I thought you would bring more."
"Haha real funny," I replied sarcastically, "Need I mind you I did the same thing you did. I moved away from the warmth of the southern United States." My sister simply smiled and drove off.

After almost an hour and a half of sitting in a somewhat comfortable silence, we arrived at my uncle's mansion. I chuckled at the thought of living on my own in a house with five stories.

"Honestly, I don't see why uncle John insisted on me staying here. It's freaking huge." I exclaimed, my voice was full of excitement and shakes due to my nervousness about living in my old home. After leaving Bella when I was fourteen to go do my own thing I was finally here. "It's funny to think that I graduated at the age of fourteen just because I studied in Japan for three years and then for another year in Korea." I sighed.

Bella looked at me and replied, "Yeah, I didn't know they were that far ahead. Um...where is your internship at?"

I looked at her. "The hospital in Port Angeles." I smiled and began walking into the house with my bag. I stepped inside the door and saw Charlie standing there. I smiled as he hugged me. Charlie and I had a very close relationship, unlike his and Bella's. I looked around, shocked at the size of the house. I wouldn't be able to afford to buy even a little bit of the house.

After the welcome from my friends and family, a large supper and a long walk, I was finally ready to sleep. I prepared my clothing for the next couple of days. I straightened out my room, making sure that everything was perfect. My first day at the hospital was tomorrow and I didn't even have a clue as to how I was going to get there without a car. I began playing with my (hair length) (hair color) hair. I took a couple of deep breaths to try and relax but living alone in a forest was a little unsettling. I finally laid down on the queen sized bed and quickly found myself drifting off to sleep.

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