Chapter 7 Only Temporary

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(Tony Stark's POV) we got through all the questions and said goodbye then we headed home to see Steve and Natasha asleep on the couch snuggling with Morgan so we throw a blanket over them and let them sleep I turned the tv off they were watching a movie then me and jack headed to my room and got changed into pjs and snuggled until we both fell asleep the next morning we come to the kitchen and cap has breakfast all ready and Natasha is pouring coffee Steve says he needs to talk to Jack in private so they head out to the garage to talk I'm not gonna follow and neither is Natasha because if they wanted us to know they would have the conversation in here

(Steve Roger's POV) I had asked Jack if we could have a private conversation i needed to tell him about yesterday morning so I told him "ya know how Peter goes on morning runs with me" and he said yeah and I said "well yesterday morning his shirt was gripping to his body and I could see his rib" and he said yeah there is something you should probably know I looked at him surprised and said "what and is Peter ok" he looked at me and said Peter is ok Steve he's just going through being bullied and it's led to a eating disorder but he is slowly eating more so he should go back to his old self soon, I was surprised this is why he hadn't told Tony what was going on but Tony's kids are smart peters probably trying to find the best way to bring flash down without getting in trouble himself

(Peter Stark's POV) I wasnt ready to show Dad and tell him about flash yet just because I am trying to handle it myself my black eye is almost gone this morning so hopefully tonight it's gone my ribs are better and my brow is completely healed up Me, Ned and Harley walked to school together today, I had told them about how mj asked me out and they both agreed we would look cute together and I told them how today she would tell me when she wanted to go out and yes I knew that would require me to go home which I'm fine with it just gotta make sure flash doesn't beat me up again before then but that would also mean I can't hide it from Dad anymore which I'm sure Dad would love but he will also be mad at flash for beating me up and maybe mad at me because I didn't tell him

(Tony Stark's POV) Steve and Jack came back in and I was wondering what they talked about but I wasn't going to ask but I did wonder did Steve tell Natasha or was she truly in the dark as much as me but I wasn't gonna bring it up and possibly set us back at square one where we were the day I met Jack which wouldn't be bad but it was at a point where there wasn't a lot of trust between us adults but it would be worse because Jack and I are now dating so that makes things harder and my kids are used to him being around all the time so if it got bad and he moves out it would be a ajustment for not only us as a couple but it would also be a ajustment for the kids but I trust them and my kids so there's got to be a good reason for it

*time skip a few days*

(Peter Stark's POV) it is currently Saturday and the day MJ and I are going out and im kinda nervous because I've never went out with someone before so Harley helped me pick out what to wear he said more then likely MJ is gonna be wearing a dress so you need to wear something nice but not to fancy like a suit so he picked me out a pair of khaki pants and a sky blue dress shirt and he told me to wear my good sneakers which were all black vans
I had told Dad about going out with MJ and he and Jack were happy for me happy drove me and MJ to the restraunt we had a lovely dinner and MJ and I really got to know each other at the end of the date I walked MJ to her door and she kissed me on the cheek and said "I had a lovely time tonight Peter and I hope we get to do It again soon" and I said me too MJ have a goodnight and see you at school she said the same and waved then closed the door then I got in the back and happy looked at me and smiled and said this could be really good for you kid

(Harley Stark's POV) when peter came back he seemed happy which made me happy he is my brother and he deserved to be happy even if it was only temporary after what flash had put him through when we had returned to school on the following Monday we found out Mrs. kade was leaving being the school nurse to take a job somewhere else and that Wednesday would be her last day that also happened to be the day Christmas break started we didn't do any actually work we did fun stuff Peter and MJ sat next to each other at lunch and held hands they both looked very happy together which Little did anyone know at this time that in the future that was how it was gonna look on the outside but they were struggling on the inside I could tell wade didn't exactly love it he was hiding it well but I just got the vibe he wasn't happy, Ned on the other hand seemed really happy for the two like me but that's also because wade has a crush on peter so I think that seeing peter with MJ hurt his feelings some

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