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I trudge back to the tunnel to head back to Asgard, everything Yelena said whirling through my mind. People are looking at me as a hero, as an Avenger? I give people hope? How? I don't understand it.

But yet...something inside me sort of does see why. The whole reason Thanos is angry with me is because I upset his carefully maintained Balance, the Balance he orchestrated because he defeated my sister and the other Avengers. And then I came along and threw it all out of whack, just because I used illusions to fake my death and save Veers. By doing so, I made Thanos a liar and symbolically defeated his Balance.

And now what? People think I can do it for real?

But I'm not trying to fight Thanos. I just want to run away with Gamora. I'm not trying to start a revolution, I'm not trying to avenge anything.

Should I be?

Peter and Cassie flash before my eyes, both drawing their last breaths and fading to ash. My hands curl into fists as I see my mother, collapsing onto the cobblestones with blood staining her dress. I most certainly have something to avenge. Thanos allowed the death of my mother, my perfect mother.

I reach the tunnel and jog into it, harnessing the magic to travel back to Asgard. So much for running away. What good will that do, especially if I have to leave Gamora behind? Better to stay, and do what I can to avenge my mother. Somehow.

I don't know what I can do, but I'll think of something. I'm good at that.

You can be a mentor for the upcoming contenders, my mind whispers. You can wreak the Balance that way, somehow. You'll find a way. You always do.

The multicolored strands of the magic twist all around me, carrying me through the tunnel back to the mountains of Asgard. I'm buoyed up on resolve, determined to do something about what Yelena told me. Her comment about me being not alone pricks at my mind and I wonder who she meant. Who else is there? The people who look to me for hope? Veers? Who?

I burst from the tunnel, skidding to a halt on the mountain side. I'm about to begin picking my way down when I hear voices and freeze. It takes about a minute to determine that it's Ebony Maw, somewhere nearby, and he's searching for me.

He knows. He knows I left. How could he know?

Within a moment, I cast myself invisible, concealing the tunnel behind some brush before carefully descending the mountainside. I move slowly and deliberately, not wanting to cause any sound. I see the son of Thanos come into view, floating through the air as several aliens, enforcers of some sort, march obediently along behind him.

"We will find him," Maw is saying, his voice confident and smug. "He will have no defense this time."

I hold still until they move past me before continuing down. I need to make my way to the bridge and get back to the palace before they complete their search.

It takes a while, but I do get back to the bridge unseen. Keeping my invisibility illusion up, I silently run across the bridge and get back into the city, moving through the quiet streets back up to the palace. It's only when I enter the palace that I slow to a walk, quickly compose myself, and drop the illusion. I then proceed to sedately walk down the corridor, heading for my family's personal chambers.

Odin rises from the sofa as I step into the main living space. "Back from your walk, I see," he comments neutrally, his eyes flashing a warning at odds with his casual tone and relaxed posture.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Uh –" Someone rising from the other sofa catches my eye and I start to see Gamora standing there, her fierce gaze settling on me. "Yes. It was good. I needed the air." It's only then that I notice Veers, Thor, and Valkyrie – it's like they were all waiting for me."

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