Bloody Rose:

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I stayed in my chambers for days, I could not stand to be near anyone. "Alexandria" says a soft voice. I look up to see a face I have not seen in years. "G-Gideon?" I say softly, his lips curled into a small frown as he nods "What are you doing here?" I question. "You are a vision of beauty" he smiles at me. I couldn't speak, it's been so long since I have seen him. "I heard about what happened.." he says. "But you are suppose to be in the tower? he looks down "Your father let me go long before you arrived home again. He told me to go as far from the castle as possible but I just could not bear to be away from you and after hearing what happened I will never be away again" he says looking at me "Gideon, if my father told you to stay away maybe it is best you should.." he shakes his head leaning down near me slowly grabbing for my hands. "Alexandria I love you I always have. I can not bear to be away from you" I sigh trying to hold my tears back. Seeing Gideon almost made me forget about the terrible incident. "Alexandria" says a voice walking into my chambers as Gideon jumps back abit. "Nostradamus.." I say looking up at him. His eyes wonder to Gideon standing there, "I am sorry to interrupt but your father has requested for your presence" he says looking at Gideon again. "Thank you. Gideon..Nostradamus" I say. Nostradamus tries to put his hand on me but I quickly jump back. He sighs softly as he takes a step back. Looking down I walk out of my chambers.

"Father?" I question. "Alexandria, how are you doing?" he questions signaling to sit "i am still shaken up" I say softly trying to figure out if I should tell him about Gideon before he finds out. "Father what ever happened to Gideon Blackburn?" I question. He looks at me "Why are you suddenly interested in Gideon?" he sounds nervous. I shrug "I do not want Gideon and Elizabeth to plot against me" I say trying to convince him I have no idea that Gideon is out of the tower. He smiles at me "I took care of Gideon before you arrived home my dear" my eyes widen to try to pretend I'm in shock "Father! I told you I do not want him to hang or be killed for it you promised me" he shakes his head "My dear he is not dead I have kept my promise" I nod getting up "Is that all father? I'd like to return to my chambers" he nods "Why don't you go on a ride with Nostradamus or take a walk in the garden?" he asks as I go to walk out. "I am still not ready to leave the castle father." I say then leave.

"Gideon?" I question softly going in my chambers. "Gideon it's Alexandria" I say again looking around. I sigh sitting down looking at the fire "Alexandria" says a soft voice startling me "Gideon" I say standing up "I did not mean to startle you I am sorry." he says stepping towards me. "It is alright. Where did you go? You cannot roam around the castle. It is risky enough that Nostradamus saw you" he nods "I know I can not roam the castle but I can not stay in your chambers. Do you remember that secret place we use to meet so your father would not catch us?" I nod "I will be hiding there." he puts his hand on my cheek "Alexandria.." I step back slightly "Don't. Do not do that Gideon." he sighs "You are the reason for my distrust in anyone especially men." I say walking towards the window. "And I regret even agreeing to it. Alexandria I love you. Please" he says walking towards me again. "Just go Gideon." I say keeping my back to him. He puts his hand on my arm as he softly sighs. "I love you.." he whispers. I go to put my hand on his but realized he has disappeared.

There was a knock on my chamber doors "Enter" I say still standing by my window watching the sun go down. The colors are painted with orange and pink. "Alexandria" questions a voice, turning I see Nostradamus standing there. "If you have come to tell me you are leaving there is no need" I say crossing my arms. He sighs "Actually your father and I have agreed I'd be best if I stayed for a little while. Would you like to go take a walk with me? Even if it is around the castle. Let your people see that their Queen is fine" he says. I shake my head no "I do not wish to see anyone. And you can tell my father that he does not need to waste your time any longer." I say then look out my window again. He sighs then leaves.

The night grew colder as Nico, my servant who tends to my fires places wood in my fireplace. "Thank you Nico" I say as he bows "You are welcome your majesty." he says then takes his leave. I sigh softly then get up and peak my head out of my chamber doors, my Guards are standing there keeping an eye out as one turns towards me "Your majesty is something wrong?" I shake my head "No Samson I am well." I say then walk out of the room as they try to follow me "You two can stay here I will be alright" I say giving them a smile "but your majesty your father" I give them a look "You listen to me..and I have said you do not need to follow me." I say standing tall, they nod standing guard at my door as I walk away.

I walk towards the stairs wall and slightly tap it, the wallpaper is perfectly lined up. I sigh tapping the wall until I hear a hollow tap, smirking I look around then open it slightly slipping in before anyone can see me.

"Gideon" I say softly holding a lantern up as I walk towards a room, I hear footsteps as I hide behind a barrel "Whose there?" says a voice. I recognize it's Gideon as I walk towards him coming out of the shadows. "Alexandria" he says smiling at me "Just because I have come here does not mean I trust you. You have just always been a fantastic listener and since the..well incident you are the only one i can stand to be around." I say looking at him. He nods giving me a small smile "Why did you risk your life to see me" I question as we sit down by the light. "I-I was going to go to France but I heard you have been here in England for some time. I learned of the incident from a servant whispering about and I needed to make sure you are okay" he says running his fingers through his hair. "Who is Nostradamus?" he questions. I knew that question would come "He is a friend I met during my time in France." I say keeping it short. "Do you love him?" he questions. I look up at him "I heard him talking with your father. You seem to be of much importance to him" he sighs looking at me. "I do Gideon." I say looking down "I will not lie it pains me to hear you love another but it is my own fault. I regret my choices every day Alexandria you must know that" I nod "I do, but that does not change anything. You hurt me Gideon. You gained my trust just to break it." he walks over to me and leans down "Alexandria" he says softly. "Was any of it even real?" I question with a tear in my eye. He places his hand slowly on mine "All of it" he says looking up at me. I try to hold back tears "I cannot do this, I thought I could. I'm sorry" I say standing up and trying to walk away. He stops me and pulls me close kissing me passionately. I did not hesitate to kiss him back. I have missed him so much.

We pull back after a few moments of kissing as he places his hand on my face "I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused you" he whispers placing another kiss on my head. I sigh softly "Gideon, you know that we cannot do this." I say. He nods looking into my eyes "I know, but even if that was our last kiss I have gotten my wish" he says caressing my face. "Gideon" I say softly sitting down. "What is wrong Alexandria please talk to me" he says placing his hand on mine. I try to hold back tears "Is it your father.? The incident?" I shake my head "It's about Nostradamus" he whispers. Slowly looking up at him he sighs "You truly love him" he says. I nod letting out a deep sigh. "In France, things were different. I did not have to worry about my crown as much, I felt free. But here" he nods "Your father is putting a lot of pressure on you about marriage?" I nod "I do not want to marry without love. He knows that. But due to me not baring an heir or having a husband I look weak" I say, he brushes my hair away from my face "Alexandria Rose you are not weak, far from it actually. You are one of the strongest woman I have come to known and that is why I love you so" he says. "Sometimes I wish I was not Queen of anything. I wish to be a normal girl with a normal life" he chuckles softly "As someone who is what you may consider normal it is not as promising as it may seem. Being normal can be difficult." I shake my head "As does a Queen, Gideon. If I could be normal for one moment." I sigh. He puts his hand on my face "You can be" he says. Giving him a look he smiles at me "You can give up your crown to your cousin" my eyes widen "I would never give my crown up to Elizabeth" he shakes his head "Not Elizabeth my love, Mary Queen of Scots" I never realized Mary is next in line for my throne if I do not bear a child. "Oh how I wish it were that simple" I say "We could run off and get married like we have always talked about" he smiles at me. Standing up I shake my head "Gideon you hurt me more than anybody has ever hurt me before. You betrayed me." he sighs "I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you Alexandria. At first I was doing it to ruin your reign, but I got to know you and I fell in love with you. I am still in love with you. And I know a part of you still loves me no matter what has happened between us" he says holding my hand. "If you did not love me then you would not let me do this" he says pulling me in for a kiss again. His hands respectfully wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. "We-we can't" i whisper pulling myself away. "You can..but your heart is with another" he says softly planting a kiss on my head. "I need to get back to my chambers before someone realizes I am gone" I say stepping away. "Will you see me again?" he questions giving me a hopeful look. I sigh holding my stomach "Good night Gideon" I whisper and walk away.

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