Bloody Rose:

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The next morning I wake up in bed, sitting up I see Nostradamus asleep in the chair next to my fireplace. I smile slightly as he groans turning, he looks uncomfortable. "Nostradamus" I whisper loud enough for him to hear. No answer. Sighing softly I get out of bed and walk towards him "Nostradamus" I whisper again this time placing my hand on his shoulder. His eyes open quickly as he sits up grabbing my arm "Oh Alexandria you scared me" he says. He realizes he has a grip on my arm as he lets me go "Did I hurt you?" he asks quickly as I pull my wrist towards me "No-I am fine. I did not mean to startle you" I say softly "You looked uncomfortable" I say. He nods sitting up in the chair "I did not want to wake you and I must have fallen asleep" he says looking around. "Thank you again for saving me" I say sitting next to him. "No need to thank me" he says softly. "Nostradamus-what were you coming to tell me" I say. He looks up at me "I was coming to tell you that I love you-and that I could not bare another moment away from you. I was hoping I could change your mind about my leaving" he says. I've wanted to yearned to hear to words. "Really?" I say softly looking at him.

He nods "I made a mistake Alexandria-I should have accepted your proposal of coming to England with you" he says, my smile quickly fades as I remember a lady leaving his chambers the day after everything happened. "What Alexandria? Say something" he says. "When did you realize you made the mistake? Before or after the lady in your chambers?" I say looking at him. My entire attitude changed as I sit up straight. He looks confused for a moment "Oh Alexandria-. That lady you saw leaving my chamber-" he begins. "I do not need to hear the details" I say looking away. He pulls my face to look at him "I did not sleep with her. You assumed I did and I knew that if you thought I did then you would be better off" he says. I give him a look "How do I know if this is true? You pretended to sleep with someone just to hurt me?" I say. He shakes his head "No-not to hurt you. I just-" he says taking a deep breath "Alexandria I love you and I was afraid to lose you. The visions of your death they got intense after you asked me to move to England with you. I could not bare to see you die because of me." he explains placing his hand on mine. "I thought I was doing all of this to protect you-but instead I saw how much it was truly hurting you." he says. I couldn't speak, I'm still so confused about all of this. "When I was waiting to get on the ship I had a vision of you-you were drowning in a pound. I got to you to late-and you died alone in that pound. You died not knowing how I truly felt about you" he says pulling his hand to my face.

"I love you-and as much as it frightens me. Living in a world without you frightens me more" he whispers. I look up at him with tears in my eyes "I love you" I whisper. He looks up at me with a small smile on his face. He pulls my face towards him as we kiss.

There's a soft knock on my chamber door as Nostradamus and I sit near my fireplace.

"Enter" I call out. My father enters the room "Alexandria dear" he says with a small smile "Hello father" I say giving him a smile as I meet him half way. "Are you okay dear?" he asks hesitant to touch me. I smile pulling him into a hug "I'm very much okay now" I say softly as he holds me. "Have you and Nostradamus talked yet?" he whispers as he glances at Nostradamus. I nod "Yes we have. Father I have to tell you-I am in love with him. And I know he's not of royal blood or a title but he has my heart" I begin "I know dear-I knew the moment I saw you two. As much as I wish he was of a title or royalties I can not imagine keeping you two apart. He's brought out the light in you. Your people may not agree with him being by your side but they have yet to see the wonderful things he's done for you." he says giving me a small smile as he places his hand on my cheek. "Thank you father" I say, he nods "Nostradamus may I talk to you alone?" he asks as Nostradamus looks up and nods. "He will be back" says my father I nod as Nostradamus gives my forehead a little peak then they both walk out of my chambers.

It's been a few hours as I pace outside of my father's office awaiting Nostradamus. My father asked to speak with him a few hours ago and him not returning has made me nervous. The door of my father's office opens as I see Nostradamus standing there with my father "Alexandria-pacing the floor is not for queens" chuckles my father. I let out a deep breath as I give him a small smile "Come in dear and stop looking so worried" he says waving his hand to signal me to come in. I walk in as Nostradamus looks at me with a smile "Alexandria-I'm sorry for keeping Nostradamus for so long but I had important things to talk to him about." he says. I look at him then at Nostradamus "Is everything alright?" I question nervous. He nods "Yes-Nostradamus will be heading back to France." says my father. My eyes widen abit "What? Why?" I ask. "Don't worry dear-you will be going as well as well as I. Mary has had her child and wants you to meet him" he smiles. A rush of relief has overcome my body "She had her little bundle of joy" I smile, he nods "We got word the day you fell through the pound. We were concerned with your health and didn't want to tell you until we knew you'd be alright. But you've made a full recovery and Nostradamus says it's okay for you to take the journey there." he explains. I smile "When do we leave?" I ask excitedly. "In two days" he says. I nod "Oh I have to bring Mary and the new baby a gift!" I smile. He chuckles "I'm sure we can find something" says my father.

{Two Days Later: In France}
          We arrive to the castle as I excitedly peek my head out of the carriage window. I turn to see Nostradamus giving me a smile. Francis and Cathrine are waiting with a few guards to greet us. "Francis! Cathrine!" I say getting out of the carriage and greeting them. "Hello dear! You look absolutely wonderful" smiles Cathrine giving me a hug. "Thank you, you to look wonderful" I smile. Francis gives me a hug as we pull away "Are you alright? We heard about your accident on the pond." says Francis. "I'm alright-Nostradamus made sure of that" I say placing my hand on his. He smiles as Cathrine smirks "Oh Nostradamus it's so good to have you home again" she says giving him a smile "It's good to be home" he says. "Would you like to see Mary?" asks Francis. I nod excitedly "Yes please!" I say. We make our way into the castle as we arrive at Mary and Francis's chamber door.

"Mary dear, I've brought a few guests" announces Francis as he opens the door. "Oh cousin Alexandria, Nostradamus and Uncle Adam come in come in" she smiles holding a little blanket close to her. "Hi Mary" I say "Alexandria-meet James De Valois." says Mary showing me her beautiful baby boy. "Oh Mary-he's beautiful" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. "Hi James" I whisper putting my hand near his head as he smiles in his sleep. "He's precious" I say as my father greets him as well. "Isn't he" says Mary as Francis sits next to her. "You two are going to be the best parents" I say giving them a smile. "Alexandria, we were hoping you'd be Jame's godmother" says Francis. I look up at them "Really?" I whisper. They nod "Of course Alexandria, you are my dearest friend and closest cousin. We'd love nothing more than for you to be Jame's godmother" says Mary. "Of course I'll be his godmother" I say with tears in my eyes.

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