Chapter 1: Secrets Reveal

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(Trigger warning: talks of blood, depression, loneliness and attemped suicide. If you don't like any of the things I mentioned. Do. Not. Read. This. Chapter!)

Naruto's POV

I always knew I was different, people made it more obvious the more they saw me. "You see that boy? Don't play with him," or "What is a monster like you doing here?" or "Get out of here you runt!" That's what they tell me all the time and I'm sick of it. At first I wanted to be hokage so I can gain my respect from them but now I want them to fear me. Bend to my will just with a simple stare... But I'm not strong enough... I don't know enough, I need to know more.

Like who are my parents, why did they leave, why does everyone treat me so differently? I was going to find out one way or another. Then I thought why not ask the 3rd Hokage. No, he wouldn't tell me... Maybe I should sneak around and find out. I decided to make my way to the 3rd Hokage's office in the evening when most people aren't here. I walk up the stairs all the way in front of his door. I was about to go inside when I heard two people talking.

"Lord 3rd, I don't know why you still allow that... Monster in our village!" I heard someone ask with anger. "Lower your voice someone will hear you," Lord 3rd said. "He's the reason why Lord 4th and his wife died all those years ago," he said. "What nonsense are you speaking! They died to protect their son!" Lord 3rd replied. "Son?" I whispered to myself quietly. "Now that 'son' carries that monster inside him. He will soon turn on us all!" He yelled.

"Naruto is a nice kid, he will never do such a thing," Lord 3rd said. "You don't know his true intentions, it's best to just get rid of him and end all the worries of everyone," he said. "That's enough out of you! What foolishness are you speaking. He is a child that hasn't harmed anyone! Who are you to go against my words!" Lord 3rd yelled slamming his hand to the desk. "Sorry my lord," he replied. "If any of you so much as harm that boy, I will see to it that you are expelled from being a ninja!" He yelled.

"Do I make myself clear?" He angerly asked. "Yes, Lord 3rd," the man replied with regretful anger in his voice. "Good, you are dismissed," Lord 3rd said. My breathe hitched and I immediately ran home. That's why they've been treating me different. That's why they all hate me! I killed my own parents.... No the thing inside me killed my parents... Maybe I should get rid of him, then people will stop treating me differently.

I ran home and grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter. I ran over to my bed and rest down the knife so I can take off my shirt. I throw my shirt on the bed and take up the knife. I then walk over to the mirror in my bathroom. "If I get rid of you then people will stop treating me differently..." I whimpered putting the knife against my stomach. "I don't suggest you do that," I heard a voice say. "W-Who's there?" I asked looking around. I had the knife in my hand ready to defend myself.

"You can't see me but I'm part of you kid," the voice said. "What do you mean part of me?" I asked looking around still. "Meaning I'm inside you right now. We share this body," he said. "We? It's my body!" I yelled. "It was ours the moment your father sealed me away!" He growled from the memory. It then popped in my head, "So your the beast that everyone talks about?" I asked. "Beast? I guess you could call me that. My name is Kurama," he replied. "Naruto..." I said with sadness in my voice.

"Why do you do you sound like that?" He asked. "What do you mean by your earlier statement. 'I don't suggest you do that' you said," I replied. "Because in order to kill me, you must kill yourself," he said. "Wait really!" I asked with anxiousness in my voice. "Yes, did you not hear the man's comments from earlier. In order to kill me they must kill you as well," Kurama said. I then clench my fist. This is so frustrating! Why doesn't anyone tell me anything? Why must I be alone?

"But you are not alone," he said. I snapped out of my thoughts and the next thing I knew tears were down my face. Was I crying without my knowledge? "What do you mean by 'I'm not alone'?" I asked. "You and I are together aren't we?" He asked. My breath hitched and I immediately start smiling, "Yeah you're right Kurama!" I yelled. I was so excited, after 6 whole years, I'm finally not alone. "Are you my friend now Kurama?" I asked. He let out a hum, "Sure kid," he replied.

This day just got even better, I made my first friend! If only mom and dad can see me now! Wait... Mom and dad... I just remembered my first friend killed my parents... I shake my head brushing the thought, at least I have a friend. That's the only thing I need to worry about. I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I put the knife back then walk over to my bed. I was about to grab my shirt and put it on but then I realized the time.

I have to go shower now. I do my nightly routine, shower, change, brush my teeth then sleep. I've been doing this for years, not one thing has changed about this routine besides the fact that I have a friend to talk to. "I'm glad you're my friend, Kurama," I said climbing up on my bed. "You're acting like you've never had friends before," he replied. "Because I haven't," I said pulling the sheets over my chest. He let out a hum, "Well go to sleep, we have some work to do tomorrow," he said.

"Work? What do you mean by work?" I asked. "Right now you are not in the right shape to carry chakra. Hell you barely have any in you. I'll train you from now on," he replied. "Really! Grandpa 3rd hasn't been taking me seriously at all! I'm glad I found someone like you Kurama!" I yelled in excitement. "Don't get excited. I don't want a weakling for a vessel," he replied. "Whatever man," I said scrunching up my face while picking at my ear.

"Now go to sleep," he said. I let out a hum and let myself fall under the spell of the night. To me the night is so enchanting, something about it, it's just so cool. I wonder if I'll meet someone as cool as the night one day. Who am I kidding barely anyone in the village walks near me. Nonetheless talk, no one would want to be friends with me. I guess I'm meant to be alone for all eternity... I hate this... I hate this.... I hate this... I hate this so much!

They'll pay all of them! I'll make sure them fear me! They want a monster? I'll show them a monster!  I smiled to myself as I let ideas fill up my head. My heart of purity has been tainted with hate and soon it enough....


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