Chapter 3: Runaway Ninja

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Naruto's POV

I've been staying this village for the soul purpose of getting stronger but it is my time to leave and just before exams too. I decided I might as well take a trip to Sasuke's house before I leave. It was 3pm so he should be home by now, school usually ends at 2pm. I didn't have much to carry with me, no clothes, toiletries and more things. Just kunais, lots and lots of kunais. I walk out of my apartment, well my old apartment. I walk down the stairs and make my way to Sasuke's house.

I have to say my goodbyes to him and his family, they are the ones who took care of me when the village did not. There is only so much Lord 3rd can protect me from and he didn't even do it all that well. It's whatever anyways, I was mindlessly walking until I reached in front of the Uchiha Estate. I saw Itachi, Sasuke's older brother, sweeping the yard outside. He stops what he's doing to look over at me, once he realizes who I am he smiles. "Hello Naruto, it's nice to see you again. Are you here for Sasuke?" He asked. "Nice to see you too and yes I am," I replied. "He's in his room," Itachi said. "Alright thank you," I said walking past him into the estate.

I walk all the way upstairs into Sasuke's room, I then knock on the door. "Who's there?" He asked. "Who else would it be dummy," I replied narrowing my eyes. I heard movement in the room before the door opened, "What do you want Naruto?" He asked walking back to his desk. "Ya know, just came to say goodbye," I replied. "Oh? Why?" He asked looking at me then tilting his head. "I'm leaving the village Sasuke," I replied. "What are you crazy! You'll become a rogue ninja," he exclaimed.

"I was never the Leaf village's ninja anyways. I was an outcast Sasuke," I replied. "What happened to your dreams of becoming Hokage? Does that mean nothing?" He asked taking a step forward. I scoff, "A childish dream," I replied looking at one of the paintings on his left wall. "Okay then what about us huh?" He asked. I then quickly look over at him, raising an eyebrow, "What do you mean by us?" I asked lowering my hands from behind my head. "You and I, Naruto!" He exclaimed.

"What about us Sasuke? Do you mean our friendship? It will never change," I replied in a skeptical tone. I saw his cheeks turn slightly pink, "I don't mean that you dobe!" He exclaimed. Dobe? "Then tell me what is it Sasuke?" I asked walking over to him. He was silently looking at me, once I got close enough he grabbed me by my shirt and before I knew it, he kissed me. My cheeks turn pink from realization that the person, I like actually likes me back... He then departs from my lips and pushes me back a bit.

He looked away from me, he looked hurt, upset, betrayed even. My heart started shattering right there and then I reached a hand out to him but he turned away from me. "Go," he said. "Sasuk-" "Go!" He yelled interrupting me. I clench my fist and turn my back, "I'll come back for you, I promise," I said walking out of his room. I then walked downstairs, then walked out of the front door. "I'm off Itachi," I said waving to him, "Alright bye Naruto," he said looking up with a smile.

I ran off, from the only placed that I considered home. "You did good kid. It must be hard but you did good..." Kurama said trying to comfort me. His words of comfort slightly worked but not all the way... It was the dead of night. I was near the village entrance, I studied the guards routine for 3 weeks. They never change their patterns, the first guard at 12:50 slowly falls asleep, the second guard turns his back to wake up guard one at 12:50. During that grace period that's my time to hop the wall and get out.

It was 12:40, I silently watch and wait, seconds, turned to minutes and back to seconds again. I noticed guard one was falling asleep on himself, guard two noticed and walked over to him. In that split second I went over the wall, I then ran away as fast and as far as I could. I went unnoticed and that's a good thing, I will be able to make it far. I've been running, jumping and hiding for a while, I made it out of Leaf Village territory... I am now officially a rogue ninja.

I don't have a village headband since I didn't pass the examine but that doesn't matter to me. I pulled out a black cloth from my pocket and tied it around my head. This is now the journey of 'Naruto Uzumaki: The Greatest Monster in History'. I took a few steps into the wilderness before me, I have trained myself over and over and over again for this day to finally come. I smile brightly at the once dim looking moon, it is shining brighter than ever. I feel like my vision is less clouded and more open, for many more things.

I decided to head North East, it was a place where no village is so it's great for a hide out. It took me an hour and a half to get there but I did. I walked around the vicinity of the site just in case there were any buildings here and there was an entire village. The place looked run down, the wall was practically destroyed and the houses were standing on it's loose ends. What village is this? Maybe I can make this village mine, and care for those like me. Who they call monsters, the unholy, the unjust, the unpure, we can all live together in harmony here.

I smiled brightly as I walked in through the rundown gates, I made my way through the village until I found the Kage's building. I walk through the doorways and find the office, everything was broken. Bookshelves, desks, mini trinkets and books, I then saw something in the corner of my eye. I walk towards it and it is a skeleton with a hat on his head. It looked like a Kage's hat, it was black and had the white crest of the moon on it. "The village Hidden in the Night...." I whispered.

An ancient village from years ago, which is very hard to find and track. No one has been able to find it so they deemed it as a myth. I grin and take the hat off of his corpse, I place it on my head and immediately fall to my knees in pain. "Arg!" I choked trying to keep myself steady. "Seems like you and I were destined to meet, Naruto Uzumaki," a voice said. "W-Who's there!" I exclaimed still fighting back. "I am the spirit of the past Nikage, Kiyoshi Kiribayi," he said, my breathe hitched when I heard the name.

Kiyoshi Kiribayi was the past Nikage, he was also known as the spirit of the night. He could control the night, he went by many names. The King of Shadows, The King of the Night, Star Writer, Shadows Masterpiece and many, many more names. "I've been waiting for you for many years...," he said, his voice sounded like a whisper in my ears. "Will you accept me Naruto and become the new King of the Shadows?" He asked. I opened my mouth...



Decided to come back cause I am inducive some I'm here and I'll still upload here. I'll try once or twice a week or whenever I get motivation.

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