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The distant sound of scream and pleas can be heard from afar. A burned town, destroyed city, and an overwhelming amount of death. It was all that can be described as catastrophe. A dragon's roar signalled another wave of disaster coming. Not long after, came the breath of fire that continued to destroy the abused city. The cries of the survivor increased as well as the terror that dwell within.

It was a historic disaster in which almost half of the humanity was wiped out. No one knew what the cause of it was. Even the honoured knights that was supposed to protect the people and king don't know who they were fighting against. The more they fought against it, the more massacre happen. They were fighting a losing battle.

Pain, fear, confusion, agony, anger.

All sort of emotion can be felt during this state of war. That was except for this one young girl. She was all but afraid. Her lonely small figure stood fearlessly in the middle of the piled dead body, pooled with litters of blood. No sort of emotion overpowered her conscious from within. It was all her. Clutching her small hands together, she starts her prayer.

“Creatures of hell, arise from the depth within. Accept my offerings and pledge me your loyalty. Aakesh who controls the wind and sky, Adrian who controls the water and sea, Aguya who controls the fire of hell, Terran — King of Sahara — who controls the earth, Helene the Queen of Space that controls the time. I name you all ‘The Devil of the Star’. From now on I am your Master, your Queen, the purpose of your existence. Heed my orders and execute to my biddings. DEMONOID SUMMONINGS ACTIVATE!

A strong gush of wind starts to circulate the young girl. The pile of dead body dissipates into nothingness, leaving only the torn and bloodied garments behind. Within seconds, all the humans that were killed that night disappeared. In exchange of the disappearance, the five devils that was summoned by the girl appeared. All five of them was on one of their knees bowing in submission to their new master.

“Our lord, one who controls us all. Our lives and loyalty belong to you till the day you decide to discard us all.”

The night of catastrophe was also the night of the rebirth of the new Demon Lord. And that was only the beginning of the life of the young girl named Rahyl.

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