C H A P T E R 1

24 2 0

Gerald's POV


A loud howl came from our alpha, and it was followed by the howl of the other wolves from the pack including me.

It was the night of the full moon where we would be transformed to our true nature, a wolf. Running together alongside with the whole pack was our tradition every time the full moon was out, and it was our way of worshipping the moon goddess.

The run was, as always, exhilarating. I can feel the presence of each one of the wolves. We were somehow connected with an invisible line of thread that connects us all as a pack, and it was comforting. Afterall, wolves are a creature that exist within a pack to keep us safe.

My fair white fur with a dash of brown and black was blown around following the rythm of the wind as I ran. The feeling of the grass against my paw felt so raw. I ran around the thick forest with ease, avoiding every obstacle that was in place where I'd remember them to be. The nature was the absolute elements for the peace in me. It was my home.

Running through the rush of the wind, my steps faltered when my nose smelt something sweet for a short moment. I slowed my movement and put my nose up in the air trying to find where the scent came from. It was very faint. With the rest of the pack continuing their run, I was quickly left behind. But that didn't bother me at the slightest. Because the only thing that concerns me now is that faint sweet smell that kept getting fainter as the time goes by, and that displeased me.

Quickly working on my nose, I sniff around the place trying to find the scent on where it is the strongest. I kept walking and sniffing until I am confident that I was in the right track of where I am going at. I am hoping that whatever I am about to find would be truly worth it because the smell was absolutely appetizing! It made the primal wolf within me burn in excitement and pleasure.

My steps getting faster and faster when the scent kept getting stronger. I can't hold the excitement in me any longer to the point that I was running at full speed trying to reach at the source of the smell. Not long after, my short run came to an abrupt halt when I saw a person trying to reach out their hands to get the apple on the tree came within my view. The person was wearing a thick dark red robe, covering their head and body from behind.

As if sensing my presence, the person turned around swiftly despite me being silent during my approach. There, a harmless young woman came to my view. I can see her more clearly this way. She got a height of around 5'3 and she was wearing a tight pink crop top with long black sleeve that reached up to her palm. There was a black straps that connect her crop top to her black shorts. She also wore a high knee socks that have a black and pink stripes as the design, along with a small pair of boots that reached up to her ankle.

My eyes trailed up her body trying to take in her face this time. When it reached her face, the first thing that grabs my attention was her eyes. Although it seems like it have a colour of red, but adding with the light radiating from the blue moon, it made her eyes look like it have the colour of purple. So mesmerizing... Not only she have an interesting eye colour, her lashes was fairly long. And her cheeks... If I could squeeze that cheek of hers I would. Her cheeks was not that plump, but the slight chubbiness really suits her round face.

Once my eyes reached her full red lips, I can see that she was already smiling. No... Is that grinning?

"A wolf?!! Awe... why is it so cute though," She cooed. If I were to say, I must question her definition of cute because I am quite big in size if I was in my wolf form compared to the other wolves. Well, except for the alpha which is my brother.

She puts down her basket full of apple while keeping her eyes on me. She seemed unafraid of me as she walks slowly towards me. It was as if she doesn't want me to get scared and run away in progress. Like I would do that.

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