Part 12

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"Mr Moon?" I asked knocking on the door.
"Come on Moon you can't just hide out in your buddys pool." Mr Crawly said.
"Yeah, we just wanna make sure youre alright, thats all." Rosita said. Mr Moon opened the door and man he doesent look great. I did my hand on my heart and Johnny saw my reaction. Poor Mr Moon always the optimist and now that optimistic character was gone too. This could not be treu. Mr Moon could not just give up right now can he? "Hey Mr Moon." Rosita said. "Youre okay?" Johnny asked. "Guys look, I'm sorry about what happend. And the prize and the money and..."
"Oh it's okay." Rosita tried to reason.
"No. None of this is okay."
"At least were all in one peace." Ash said.
"Yeah and you know what? I bet we can find some other place to put on the show." Rosita said and I nod in aggrement. "Right?"
"Yeah." The group says.
"The show... guys I'm done." "Are you serious?" Johnny asked.
"What do you mean done?" Ash asked.
"Come on."
"Didin't you see this huh? Look it says I'm a danger to society. A deluded washed up charlatan who never had a hit in his career." Buster said looking sad at the newspapers.
"Oh come on you don't believe all that?" Rosita asked.
"Yeah I do." Buster said wanting to close the door but Johnny did his hand on the door to stop him.
"Listen your not the only one who lost something here. We all did." He said.
"Yeah!" Gunter said.
"I mean I lost any chance of ever speaking to my dad again over this show."
I did a hand on Johnnys shoulder. Buster closed the door.
"Sorry." I heard a muffeld voice behind the glass doors. "Oh Mr, Moon." Rosita said. "Oh forget it." Johnny said.
"I dont get it. I dont understand." Gunter said. "Come on lets get out of here." Ash said.
I just stood there as the last one staring at the door not believing Moon actually shut us down. Johnny grabbed my hand and squezed it gently smiling at me sad.
"Youre comming? I think he needs some time alone." "Yeah...yeah he'll get buy." I said and hesitated looking one more time back to his house before leaving it.
"At least we tried." I told Johnny.
"Yeah we did." Johnny said not notecing we were still holding hands and I smiled a bit. Johnny shook his head.
"I just can't believe Mr Moon really just gives up."
"I think he wont, trust me." I said loud enough to here for the door where Mr Moon was in and we walked away but soon enough changed my mind. I shook my head and turned back to Mr Moons house.
"What are you doing?" Johnny asked.
"I am going to help Buster. He can't just give up. That is not the Buster we know." I told him.
Johnny smiled and walked up to me giving me a kiss on my forehead. I blushed and smiled.
"I like your confidence that you don't give up."
"Thats the thing Johnny, I never give up that easly. There must be a way to fix this right?" I told him and I just saw Meena running away crying.
"You sure you want to face Buster?"
"I am positive." Y/n said. "You can go home if you want, I need to fix this. I mean I need to do something right?" "Alright go change his mind and see what you can do." Johnny said and he smiled walking away. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door again.
"Who is it this time?" Buster said grumpy. "I told you that I am a disaster and that the show is over."
"It's Y/n." I said.
Silence was the answer. He didint wanted to hurt me or speak out to me so I guess he choose to be silent instead. "Can I please come in?" I asked and Eddie opened the door for me.
"Hi Y/n come in." Eddie said and I thanked Eddie seeing Mr Moon lying down on the matress with his back on me. I sighed and sat down, crossed my legs and waited for a while. Just sitting next to his matress and waiting. "You know, before I came here, I never thought this would happen to me. I thought I was doomed when I was landed in this world. But you were kind enough to help me out Buster. You were kind enough to bring me under your wings and be a part with the theater. You made sure that I had a place to stay, that I could be myself around the group and have more confidence. Even have a job to live. You made for me a home. A home I never could have imagened and now because of you I met Johnny."
Buster only sighed in reply but I kept on talking.
"Even through your difficulties you were always the optimist. Always the one that was there for us and believed in us no matter what happens. Even when it sounds crazy that we needed to rehearse in the dark." Eddie chuckeld. Little did I know that Mr Moon was smiling too. I just could not see it.
"I remember the day when I got through the portal that I was so scared, so lost. You were the light Buster. If I havent met you this would never happen to me and maby would be even worse that I needed to live on the streets. There must be a way out of this mess Buster and I am determinded to help you out so..." I said and pat him on his shoulder softly.
"If you need me then you have my number if you change your mind. Bye Eddie and Mr Moon." I said and left.
"Bye Y/n." Eddie said and he looked at Buster his best friend when she closed the door. He thought Y/n gave Buster a great pep talk and hoped it would effect Buster just a bit. But he still just layed there without making a move and Eddies hope was faded.

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