Dragon League Book I

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Act I

Episode I

(Xahn's story)

A loud bang woke me from my slumber and I rose from my perch. A Wolf Shifter . What is a wolf doing in my domain? My leathery wings and my long tail swooshed as I glided to my cave entrance and I silently grabbed the wall. A female. I stalked the young girl that had entered my domain. The freezing wind wailing outside. The smell of blood filled my nostrils as she strode in. Her obliviousness made me sick as she made for the back of my cave.

"Fucking Humans." She snapped and sat down. She began searching through a bag that had been strapped to her back and pulled out a white cloth. Her struggle caused noise to erupt throughout my dwelling. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if she woke the entire mountain side. I observed the girl's struggle, laughing occasionally when she failed in her endeavor to clean her wound in the dark. Her failed attempts usually ended in cursing and yelling making for an amusing show. After her fifth failed attempt a deep reverberating laugh left my body and the Girl's figure tensed up instantaneously. Her eyes glided along the darkness, searching for me.

"Who's there!?" The girl yelled. A red hand left her cloak, gripping a dagger.The dagger was lined with silver that burned my nostrils the moment it's scent entered my nose. I backed away, keeping quiet and cautious. I could tell the dagger was inducing a sleepy side effect on her. Her wolf growled in response to the poisonous metal.

"That is unwise in your state...Wolf." I warned.

"Face me and we'll see about that!"

"Who wounded you wolf?" I asked.

"Why should I trust a voice in a cave?" She retorted.

"Not saying you should." I implied. I jumped to a perch closer to her and examined her wound from afar. She must have gotten the dagger from her own wound. Wolves and Wyverns have the same reaction to silver, "Found that out the hard way," I spoke to myself. Her ears perked up when I spoke. Shit, wolf forgot.

"Not too fond of strangers are you?" She asked.

"And how would you know that wolf?" I asked, I stopped at the edge of my perch in range of a pounce kill.

"Your personal boneyard tells that story all too well." She retorted.

"Depends whether you wish to die or live, wolf." I implied.

"I would like to live but that isn't up to me now is it?" She snapped.

"Do you wish for fire?" I asked, remaining hidden.

"What!?" She spoke with a confused tone.

"Do you wish for light and warmth from the dark cold air?" I asked once more. I let my fire well up in my chest in wait for her answer.

"It would be nice, I guess." I transformed and my fire danced around in my palm. I threw it at a premade pile of wood and then jumped down wearing a pair of black cloth pants and black leather boots. Light filled my cave and I heard her making her way to the fire I had conjured. Her wincing made me cringe as she sat down on the cold stone floor. I Grabbed a bunch of herbs from my stone shelves and sprinkled them into a bowl of water. I began speaking an incantation, I knew the wolf shifter wouldn't understand it. I turned around and the moment she saw my form she scurried back.

"I am not human," I allowed my scales to run over my right arm revealing my reptilian form. My revealed form seemed to only make her more afraid of me.

"Drink this and you'll live to see tomorrow." I said and held the thick mud mixture in front of her. She gave me a look of uncertainty that was really starting to piss me off.

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