Dragon League Notes

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---Viks (Home continent is Vikorie)

Viks are the warmongers of all the homonyms on earth. They strive to prove themselves in war. They are not as smart as other homonyms but very aggressive and very short fused in conversation. Viks are the largest species of homonym on earth and the most dominant. However, Viks are not a unified species. They have a king but still have a hard time working together. Major clans in the Vik species are the Kaze, Yontiox, Yezins, Uzons, and the Dalkor.

---Norians(Home continent is Nory/Noria)

Norians are the most solitary of all the homonyms. They live on magic and dark magic. They study the forces of the universe and the earth, learning new ways to manipulate their environment. Norians are able to shapeshift into natural animals like bears, lynx and other natural occurring animals through their advanced magic. They cannot take the form of a wolf shifter, dragon or wyvern. Norians are often referred to as Druids and are highly feared amongst other homonyms. However, Norians are peaceful and will not attack unless attacked upon by an outside force.

---Nexians(home continent is Nexy/Nexia)
(Cross between vik and norian)

Nexians are a cross species with viks and Norians. They are not aggressive but are highly skilled in combat. Nexians are taken at the age of five and trained in the art of combat their entire life. Females usually take the form as archers and javelin throwers. Men take the form as foot soldiers and knights. Nexians lace their weapons with poison or oil.Unlike Norians and Viks, Nexians are highly unified. They are seen as the deadliest military force on earth seeing as they have never been beaten. Reasons behind their immense military strength is due to their small population. Nexians are the smallest Species of homonym with a population of only several thousand.

---Sarelians(Home continent is Sarel)

Sarelians are the most advanced of any homonym species. These homonyms are usually left alone due to the advanced technology. Sarelians are extremely smart and think ahead. They have a strong tactical army composed of planes and warships. Sarelians seek peace rather than violence and strive for planet unification. Sarelians were the first species of homonym to accept the Dragon Shifters as their ally.

---Tilians(home continent is Tilia)

Tilians were the first species of homonym to evolve and inhabit earth. Tilians built massive empires and advanced quickly in science. This extreme knowledge opened the field to biological enhancement giving them the ability to revert back into nature. However, They fell prey to evolution and were swallowed up by nature. These homonyms now form the Shifter Races. No other Species has come anywhere near as advanced as the tilians had made it. Sarleians study the tilians but yet fear their scientific power and head the lessons the Tilians brought to light. Homonyms fear the outcome the tilians faced and consider the study of it blasphemy.


(Xahn's Story)

Xahn--Male--Wyvern--Scalin--Last of the wyvern race--Cautious and compassionate.

Astrid(Nyx)--Female--Vik--Vik princess and Xahn's rider

Zarlein--Female--Wolf shifter--Snowfoot--Part of Rowan's pack

Rowan--Male--Wolf Shifter--Snowfoot--Pack Alpha

Colin--Male--Wolf Shifter--Snowfoot--Part of Rowan's pack

Nessy--Female--Wolf Shifter--Snowfoot--Part of Rowan's pack

Shaun--Male--Wolf Shifter--Snowfoot--Pack Beta--Part of Rowan's pack

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