Dragon League Book II

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Dragon League

Book II

Act I

Episode I

(Xahn's Story)

My scythe hung on my back as I walked in the halls of Zya's house. Her den was massive, larger than most cities. Entire caverns filled with trading centers and residential sections. It was like several cities had been buried under bedrock with the inhabitants sealed below. I followed Taj through the underground city until we reached a stairwell and at the top was a wooden door.

"Your home. I knew you enjoyed quiet and a place to be alone. The entrance is carved a ways into the back so that you can have a sort of porch." I nodded and began ascending the stairs.

"Xahn! I know this may not be your home but we are honored to have you among us."

"I came to unite our kind. This war will spell out doom for us all if we do not stand together." I continued to walk up the stairs and found the porch-like entrance the boy had spoken of. I opened the door with my magic and saw a medium sized cavern within.

"I hope you like it." A wolf girl said as she dropped down from her perch. Her black wolf form standing as high as a full grown stallion.

"The pack I brought with me, are they safe?" I asked the girl.

"For now." The wolf girl answered, Her deep raspy voice echoing throughout the carved out space. I knew it was Zya with her fearless stance.

"Are you in need of a smith?" I asked as I read her mind.

"You are the only one here old enough to have seen the old ways of forging. You can forge Laskon weapons, can you not?" She asked as she shifted. I could see why Taj fell for her. Her body matched her personality flawlessly. Thick legs and body built for battle.

"Why would I forge weapons for a cause I do not follow?" I asked. I could sense her disappointment.

"Then why are you here... Wyvern." She hissed with newly fabricated hatred.

"Who ever said I was?" I laughed. I began implanting thoughts into her mind and soon she saw not one but several dozen of me. Her eyes raced around the room and a growl escaped her.

"STOP with your games!" She ordered.

"I can forge these weapons for you, but..." I paused.

"But what, old man!" She snapped.

"I shall train four of your best. These four only, shall be deemed worthy to wield my weapons." I awaited her answer.

"Fine. Me, Taj, Fury, and Tatsu shall be your trainees." I smiled.

"Lesson one..." My scythe lurched into motion and before she could react, her ass landed on the floor. "... Never... ever let your guard down." I chuckled as I started speaking incantations to summon a forge. Lava poured from my far wall and dripped into a pit. I formed an iron anvil and an ornate smithing hammer. Runes covered the handle and the runes on the anvil glowed blue as I neared it.

"You can tell your Norian to stop spying on me as well," I glanced at a possessed beetle. Seconds later a human sprang from the floor. I recognized the sword he carried and could sense the wyvern magic emanating off the blade.

"Who crafted that blade for you? If you don't mind me asking." I pointed to the boy's sheathed sword.

"My protector crafted it." I chuckled and extended my hand.

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