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Jisoo and you were rearranging the shop, which included in changing how the entire interior looked.

Summer was coming and the warm colors that were currently being used would make the customers feel more hotter along with the weather and season. So the two of you decided to change it now and get it over with already, and have cooler colors for the shop.

But because there was only two of you and what needed to be decorated were two floors, backup was called and should be arriving any minute.

"Should we put them here for now?" You asked with two hands held outwards as you used your telekinesis to lift up all the chairs and tables at the same time and put them aside.

Jisoo nodded as she placed the paint cans down near the walls. "Be careful."

After putting them aside, the two of you put on aprons over outfits used for painting and tied your hair to get ready.

Having done this already, half of the walls of the bottom floor were finished in a little under two hours, given that neither of you needed to use a ladder and backup would be doing the rest once the top coat of the paint was applied.

Just as Jisoo was about to start painting the third wall, you accidentally tripped, and in doing so, got some of the blue paint on the brush on her cheek and the part on her shoulder where the apron wasn't covering it.

You gasped and quickly shook your head. "That was an accident—!"

Jisoo didn't listen and instead flicked her paint brush at you with a determined glare, splattering it on your neck and the bottom half of your face — just missing your lips.

"Now we're even," She grinned at your shocked expression.

"Mine was an accident!" You retaliated and swung your brush, managing to get more paint on her. "Now we're even."

Before you knew it, it became a paint war at each other, throwing paint at the other while running or flying away — luckily magic existed or else the just recently finished painted half of the room would have needed to be redone.

The bell jingled, making you two freeze and look over to see your older cousin, Jimin, who was also a fairy, walking inside, only to freeze at the sight of you two covered in paint.

He blinked before his gaze flickered between the two of you accusingly and in confusion. "Do I even want to know?"

You and Jisoo shook your heads with wide smiles, and those smiles getting even wider when Jimin used water to clean your guys' appearances.

Judging from how Jimin was acting, Jisoo hadn't told him what had happened with the woman appearing in front of you again. Luck you. If he knew, you knew he wouldn't let it slide. He hated that woman.

"Where are the others?" You asked as you gave him a hug.

"They'll be here soon," He replied, walking to get an apron after the hug. "Jin hyung won't be able to make it, so he sent someone else to help with the others."

You flew to him to whack Jimin on his head. "Hey! We already have the rest of us, it's fine if we're down a person."

Jisoo came over to whack him also. "Why would you let him make someone else come to help us? He didn't have to. Besides, it's only redecorating and repainting."

Jimin rubbed the places you and Jisoo had smacked him on. "See, now, redecorating and repainting is easier said than done. Do you know how fussy you guys are? We need all the help we can get."

"So my brother makes some stranger come and help us?"

"It's not some stranger," Jimin shook his head, trying to calm the two very intimidating people in front of him. "He's Jin's... what do you call it? Ah! His apprentice. You know, to train him to become a guardian angel."

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