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"You have a date?!" Jisoo shrieked, pure, white wings fanning out at the action, and also earning the attention from the seven boys in the living room.

Flinching at her shriek, you had tried to cover her mouth, but it was too late because the seven mentioned boys' footsteps could be heard, and in less than five seconds, they were right beside you two.

"You have a date?!" They repeated.

You pressed your lips into a thin line while glaring at Jisoo who still was in a state of shock before looking at the group. "I wouldn't exactly call it a date..."

"Whoever it is, is it just you two going?" Jungkook asked. "No one else?"

You slowly nodded.

"Do they have romantic feelings for you?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes.

You tilted your head side to side, not sure on what the answer was to that. "Sort of...? Maybe? I don't know!"

"It's a date," Namjoon nodded.

"Wait, but do you like them back?" Hoseok added.

"No! This will be the third time I'm meeting him! He's the one who asked and I couldn't say no," You denied. "Besides, he's very... flirty."

"But you're already going on a date with him," Taehyung pointed out.

"That's besides the point!"

"Who knows, maybe you'll end up liking him too."

"Nuh uh," You said with determination.

"Well, why couldn't you say no? Was it his face? Was he handsome enough for you to say yes?" Jin fired a question after question.

"He was nice to me. But yeah... I guess he was handsome."

Nearly all of them laughed at your response, finding it amusing how their youngest now possibly and finally might be starting her love life. Although they were protective of you, they vowed to never get in your way if you ever wanted to get into a relationship. They also knew of how many admirers you had during your school days, and like promised, they never interfered — not even once. So all the people who had romantic feelings for you but never confessed or tried, it was on them for not being brave enough to do so. But to be fair, maybe the eight of them were just that intimidating.

"Will he be picking you up here?" Jisoo finally spoke up after hearing you answer the many questions thrown at you.

"Nope," You shook your head before looking at the others too. "We're meeting at a place we agreed on. So don't even think of trying to interrogate him."

"We're hurt that you think so lowly of us," Yoongi tried to feign him being hurt but you just shook your head.

"Wait a minute, I just realized this," Jimin stopped and grabbed your shoulders to make you look at him right in the eye. "You said yes to a date after meeting him twice because he was 'nice' to you?"

You nodded, seeing nothing wrong with that before you gave him a deadpan expression and hitting him right after. "Of course I wouldn't say no to just anybody! I said yes also because of his eyes."

"His eyes?"

"Eyes that would make anyone trust him. It had this clear look with a bright sparkle."

The others furrowed their brows, wondering how that feature made you say yes to someone who was still a stranger so quickly, and Jimin was going to ask.

But the words died on his tongue the moment when you added, "His eyes reminded me of how hers looked before."

The reason wasn't the whole truth, but it wasn't completely a lie either. There was another hidden reason why you had agreed to going on a date with Yeonjun besides wanting to repay him and it was to be able to look at his eyes more just so that it would feel like she never left you. Because the only thing left of her was the one picture Jisoo had managed to protect from that insufferable woman. But neither side needed to know the other reason.

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