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Mitsuki and Masaru tried and tried for a baby, they wanted a kid or two to complete their family, but they had failed countless times. Until the day, Mitsuki had finally gotten pregnant with their first child.

Katsuki Bakugou, born a plain on April 20th. He has 2 loving parents, Mitsuki Bakugou (a 27 year old woman) and Masaru Bakugou (a 25 year old man). Mitsuki was a Showboat and Masaru was also a plain like Katsuki.

Mitsuki didn't know how to feel about her only son being a plain. Nonetheless she still cared for him and watched over him. Masaru felt a connection towards katsuki but he wasn't able to describe it without joyful thoughts (which was weird for a plain)

Being plain in a world full of color has always been hard on Katsuki, but he couldn't react in anyway towards it. Katsuki could only feel okay, if he was stabbed in the chest sure it hurt but he was okay, if you confessed your undying love to him he wouldn't have a big reaction he would just feel okay. That's just life as a plain, no emotion.

Being a plain meant you were only plain, you only ate plain things (you still get seasoning because you need it), wore plain clothes, drank plain juice, and so on.

Katsuki knew better than to do anything that a plain shouldn't do, he was never ever adventurous, or a bright character, he hardly even talked to new people. He kept to himself not wanting to bother anybody. So he was shocked when he had made friends, they were all showboats, they were all interesting to learn about and God, Katsuki wouldn't trade them for the world


  Katsuki Bakugou the plain

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