Agei Ashikari, Better Known As Kariage. The Vampire

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Agei Ashikari got pregnant from a hook up and that's how her pride and joy was born.

His name was, Agei Ashikari, she believed if a man could give his son the son the same name as themselves than she could too.

Kariage took after his father, he was a vampire. But everything else came from his mother, from his looks to his personality. Kariage was never scared, he was just as brave as his mother. Even in the face of death, he'd brush back his jet black hair and give a smirk.

Kariage was a nickname given to him by his friends, other vampires. They could be cruel and deceiving , and they weren't even good friends but who cares.

Agei Ashikari, better known as Kariage. The vampire.

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