Dreams, if only they'd be reality

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"Katsuki, did you like your gift?" mom asked me, with a unbothered tone of voice. But her eyes told a different story, it was as if they were looking for gratitude deep into mine.

"Mother, it's lovely." I smiled at her, the gift was snow globe, with a fairy flying around in the fluffed up fake snow. The snow globe meant a lot to me, in just a few moments. It told a story.

I could be just as free as a fairy flying to their heart's content in the cold everlasting snow.

Right as my father opened his mouth, black. The world crumbled apart and faded into darkness. What-

Beep Beep Beep


Beep Beep Beep



"Hush" I said, no longer taking interest in hearing my alarm. It was 6:30am, the same time I wake up everyday. My eyes stir open and I slip on my gray house shoes, admiring the walls as I walk to my bathroom sink to brush my teeth.

After finishing the rest of my morning routine, I slip on my white sweatshirt over my collared button up, and head downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning, mother, father" I say, with a lack of any emotion. "Morning Katsuki. Mind doing me favor?" My mother asked without any enthusiasm despite being a showboat. "That'd be?" I say as my eyes finally meet hers, "Can you run these lists of errands? I'd be sure to pay you good" my mother takes a short sip of her morning expresso. "Sure, mother" I replied, I am in the need of money at the moment so I suppose running a few errands wouldn't hurt.

With that I was on my way, stopping place after place. First the laundry mat, then the grocery, next was the mailbox. On my way to the next place, I had picked up an appetite. A nice café had been on the way there, so id go there to eat. As I walked to my destination I lost track in thoughts, thinking about my dream from last night.

I had felt joy for the first time, my heart was filled with content. I could feel emotions my body never wanted me to feel.

If only my dream could be reality, if only life was so-


"Shit" somebody muttered

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