"Clean she said, run unnecessary errands she said!"

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"Agei Ashikari! Get your ass up!" Agei's voice rang through the walls of his disgustingly dirty room. Her son still hadn't woken up until she grabbed a cup of ice cold water and poured it on him.

"Damn, Im up, I'm up" Kariage muttered, slowly stringing awake. "What was that for?" He hollered as he pushed wet hair out of his face. He looked towards his alarm clocked that read, 8:32am. It had been way too early for a person who usually wakes up around 12 in the afternoon.

"Look at your room. It's a pig sty in here!" Agei yelled in return pointing to the obvious mess, in every corner of the room, there was at least a pile of 3 shirts. Shoes were thrown all over the room, garbage was spilling out the trash can. Pencils were spread all over his computer desk, clothes placed about instead of on hangers. The room was entirely to messy for Kariages mother to handle.

"Sorry mom, I'll get to it tomorrow" Kariage muttered again, finally feeling more awake. He looked at the mess his mother spoke about and yawned. In his opinion the room hadn't been necessarily messy, it was just the way he liked it. One person's chaos had been another's treasure.

"No, you're going to get your ass up and clean this shit up right now. Then your going to run a couple of errands." Agei yelled at her son, who stood up looking confused.

"But mom, I wanted to hang out with a couple friends" Kariage whined out, already picking up a shirt from off the floor. 

"Well then I suggest you move fast!" and with that Kariage's mom left the room, slamming the door shut.

"Dammit!" Kariage cursed to himself, cleaning to him was a major bitch. He knew he should've cleaned his room yesterday, but he thought if locked his door enough his mother wouldn't notice. Kariage's mom was just jealous he thought, he had a life, and cool friends. Shit, he really needed to go hang out them. What would he do, or better yet, who else would he do?

"Might as well hurry up" Kariage said to himself, picking up the loose pencils from his computer desk. "Clean she said, run unnecessary errands she said! Some Days she can be such a pain!" Kariage muttered to himself quietly.

It was 10:48 when Kariage was done picking up his room and getting ready for the day. He had showered, brushed his teeth, somewhat fixed his hair before he decided it was time for him to head out. Putting on a basic outfit, which consisted of a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, he then grabbed a pack of cigarettes he'd stole from his mother a few days back and helped her "search for". That's one of the reasons his friends nicknamed him "Pack a day"

"Agei!!" his mother yelled down from the kitchen, reading the morning news paper. Next to her sat an unfinished coffee in a stained mug that read "#1 mom". Kariage had stolen it from the shop around mothers day when he was 10, he lied and said he mowed the neighbors lawn for it. Agei had cherished due to the fact it was her first boughten gift from her baby.

Yeah?" Kariage said, lazily making his way down the stairs.

"Go stop at the bakery, Mrs. Gotō owns and get me a Cafe Latte with a scone. There's about 30 dollars in my purse so pick get yourself something too. Then I guess you can go hang out with your friends." Kariage's mom ordered.

Kariage groaned but he grabbed the 30 dollars from her wallet inside of her knock off Michael Kors purse, and went on his way.

Kariage was very familiar with the people in his neighborhood, they were special to him in a way. All of them related to each other in a way, from their torn down homes and their messed up reputations. Kariage had made a name for himself early in life. Age 9 started his rampage, and by 15 he'd already been in a cell a few times. Most weren't surprised by his actions, after all he had been a vampire.

Vampires, they'd been known as cruel, deceitful, pure trouble. He fit right into the stereotype but he didn't mind. As he strolled into the bakery, he groaned again as there had been a line.

"What a bitch..." Kariage muttered to himself, always finding himself cursing even when children were around. He figured as he waited he could check his text messages, to see what the group chat had been up to. He only had one text that read 'Meet in the spot at 12'. While the message had been vague, he'd been friends with them long enough to know what that meant.

As soon as he knew it, he found himself ordering what his mom requested then pocketing the rest of the money, most likely for more cigarette's. The girl behind the register had been cute, blushing once he made it up to the line. She played with her shoulder length black hair as she took his order. When he received the receipt, on the back wrote what he assumed was her phone number and "call me". Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't, he didn't give a shit. Lost in his thoughts about deciding whether or whether not to call the girl, he crashed into somebody.

"Shit" he muttered as he felt piping hot coffee spill onto him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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