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This was it, the sirens where blaring threw your ears as you sat at your office desk. Everyone was fleeing the building, but you sat, quietly waiting for the pleasure of the bombs colliding with the solid ground you stood on.

But your piece was soon interrupted by two people, a man and woman dressed in black "Y/n L/n?" you lifted your head up from your papers, and nodded at them "You need to come with us." you didn't know how to react, you weren't much of a talker and who would want you to go with them. You didn't have time to answer, everything was black, the sirens stopped.

"Miss L/n?" you felt a small shake at your shoulders soon enough your eyes fluttered open meeting the gaze of a woman "Your awake. Good." she was dressed in grey and sat next to you on a bed. A bed that wasn't yours at that, "Where am I? Who are you.." the girl rubbed her hands together nervous of what to say "Your in outpost 3, I'm Megan, a grey." grey?

"How long Have I been asleep? What happened outside?!" The clicking of a cane inturpted your panicking, a woman came in, she was dressed in black and her red hair was pinned up behind her head, she bore a raven cane in her hand and a belt at her waist with a gold symbol on it.

"2 days. Everyone outside is, Dead" She spoke with Venom but on her face was a smile only the devil could bare. She had to be a psychopath for smiling after what happened. "How can you smile, at the fact everyone is dead!" the smile stayed on her face, you had to admit she was a beautiful woman but the fact she could smile after the events of the world was insanity.

"Im smiling because I'm alive, and so are the other people residing here, purples and Grey's. Megan leave us." With a loud bang of the red-head's cane, Megan scrambled to her feet off of the bed and head down she left the room shutting the door behind her.

"So Miss L/n, thought you'd never see me again? Hm." you looked up at her in confusion, before it clicked "Ms Venable, oh you sick twisted woman." she laughed heartedly at the insults you threw at her "Good to see you too."

•~Flash Back~•

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Ms Venable had given you extra work for the week seeing of how she didn't believe you did enough, you had always dreamt of working at Kineros Robotics but the secretary has been turning it into a literal hell, having being her assistant you'd think she'd be a little less harsh, but that idea has been back handed out the window ever since you've arrived.

"I expect each piece of paperwork filled out and put onto my desk by the end of the week, fail to succeed you'll be fired." you looked up from your computer absolutely flabbergasted at the fact you hadn't heard her cane down the hall "Yes Ms Venable, now please leave the purple is hurting my eyes." she always, with out fail, banged her cane on the floor when insulted or seeking attention, which she always got since she was a purple glow stick most days.

"You Brat. Don't think for one second I won't have you fired." You let out a small chuckle, one thing no one dared tell Ms Venable was that whenever she became angry her face would turn a shade of red.

-The end of the week-

You placed all 75 pieces of work down onto Ms Venables desk "I see you've gotten it done." once again Ms Venable scared the shit out of you "Jesus Fucking Christ!" You swear to have heard a sharp breath come from her "Language Y/n, also may you accompany me to a meeting, it seems the cocaine addicted children have grown a liking to you. Or your body." you gave a her a look that could kill "My Body? Are you kidding me!?" Before she could say anything else you had gone back to your office and sat down, that's when the ear piercing sirens started going off.

•~End of Flash Back~•

"I can't say the same. You cold hearted bitch." before another word could be said, Ms Venable had a strong grip on your chin facing you "Keep it in mind, that this cold hearted bitch is the reason your alive, I sent the people dressed in black after you." now this sounded like insanity coming from the woman who tormented you every business day that went by "Hard to believe that the spawn of satan would come to save me."

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