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Wilhemina stood before everyone in the room, chin high shoulders back and her hands rested on her cane, you stood beside her hands behind your back with impeccable posture.

Wilhemina was about to announce the Halloween party that would be taking place within 2 weeks from now. You weren't nervous at all knowing what was in-store for the people whom you hated. You did feel a slither of guilt for Mallory, you did truly enjoy her company, and after all not everyone deserves to die. Well that's not completely true.

“There shall be a celebration. In two weeks from now it shall be Halloween, and we shall throw a party. Make sure to be well dressed for the festivities and please, wear masks, makes things more. Fun. Wouldn't you agree Ms L/n?” she slightly turned to you and you gave a warm yet evil smile “Indeed.” she smiled at you slightly and everyone began to talk about what they'd wear and who they'd be. Coco immediately began blabbering on about her ridiculous hair.

Gallant was of course going to help her look ‘Perfect’ Wilhemina began to walk out of the room and you turned to follow her but before you did you looked at everyone and stated one last thing “Oh, I can tell your all going to drop dead from excitement.” the chuckle that left your lips was anything but friendly. You could hear a slight giggle come from the woman you where walking next too “Lovely touch darling.” you nodded your head at her as you both began walking down the halls.

“Wilhemina, am I practically stealing Ms Meads job?” Wilhemina looked down at you and gave you a questioning look “Im not sure what you mean?” this is where the more jealous side of you began to kick in “Well she was always with you before we were together and she seemed to do anything you asked she was practically kneeling at your every command, have I taken her place?” You made sure to emphasize certain words so your girlfriend could get the hint that you were Jealous of her and Ms Meads relationship.

“Is that jealousy, I hear in your voice Y/n?” you looked at her for a moment before averting your gaze to the halls ahead “I haven't the slightest clue, on what your talking about Ms Venable.” It had been a long while since you called her Ms Venable, she was taken back by it. She gave one Final sharp bang with her cane as she stopped in her tracks staring at you.

“Your Calling me Ms Venable again?” you couldn't tell if it was anger or sadness in her voice, you had always found it hard to read her emotions from how she sound so you turned around and faced her but before anything else could be said she had you by the wrist “Ms L/n please do understand that I cannot allow this kind of behaviour continue.” she began to hold your wrist tighter, it was sure to leave a bruise.

You winced at the pain in your wrist “What? You can't even take a simple wrist grab?” she obviously underestimated her own strength and your pain tolerance was exceptionally low “Mina- your bruising my wrist-” she pulled your wrist up to her lips as she lightly kissed it, letting her grip falter.
“Let this be a reminder, that you are not like the others. You do not have to call me Ms Venable, when we are alone I believe I've made that very clear.” you nodded and Wilhemina glanced down the halls, to see if anyone was near, but of course you didn't know that.

Once she was sure it was clear she kissed away the tears, that you had accidentally let fall, from your face planting a final and the most passionate kiss upon your lips making you smile. You both began walking again and you took a look at your hand, a dark purple bruise had formed. It was a rather painful sight, and of course Wilhemina continuosly apologised for she had not ment to hurt you as badly as she did.

Once you both had arrived at her office you took a seat Infront of her desk, and she took her seat behind it. “So what should we do?” Wilhemina asked you whilst locking her hands together and resting them under her chin to hold up her head “How about you tell me what's in-store for Langdon hmm?” she hadn't expected an answer like that but she didn't mind at all, for she had rather straight forward plans for the man.

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