party | charlie

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warnings: uh charlie is like...a bitch? and he likes y/n and not mo anymore ig and then it causes a fight, and a lot of cussing ig

note: charlie and mo are dating here. they shouldve gotten together instead of getting back together with scott like in the books. 

''hey y/n! party's just started!'' scott said, holding a cup of root beer. ''hi scott!'' i said, smiling. i quickly went upstairs. ''hey liv, where's wen?'' i asked. ''oh, he's not here yet. why?'' she answered, taking a sip of lemonade. ''i just...uhm..'' i thought hard of an excuse. then, it came to me. ''i have an idea for a song we can write!'' i laughed. the real reason? because i believe charlie has feelings for me, and not mo. 

''you know you can tell me too, right?'' olivia smiled, waving to one of our classmates. ''yeah but, it's about something we used to do as kids and only he'd get it.'' i lied. ''oh, uh...okay. well, i'm gonna go talk to mo. bye y/n!'' she said, quickly going downstairs. i ran into a room and quickly closed and locked the door behind me. 

i stood against the door. i could hear determinate blasting through the speakers downstairs. then i heard a knocking on the door. i quickly went a few steps away from the door. ''y/n, are you in there?'' i heard wen's voice ask.

i ran to the door, quickly opening and unlocking it. ''lock the door behind you, wen.'' i demanded. ''damn, okay.'' he said, going back to the door to lock it. once he was done, he approached me. ''y/n, whats wrong? its a party, go have fun.'' wen said. ''i know its a party, dumbass, but the thing is...i think charlie might have feelings for me, while also dating mo.'' i said, sitting on the bed and staring at the ceiling. ''well, it does seem like he has feelings.'' wen said. 

''yeah, no shit.'' i sighed. ''look, if he tries to make a move, tell mo.'' he said. ''i can always count on you, wen.'' i smiled at him. ''well, thats what friends do for each other.'' he smiled back. ''now, go out and have fun.'' 


it was time for karaoke. our classmate, kate, was singing 'shes so gone'. ''hey, y/n.'' a voice said, tapping my shoulder. i quickly whipped around. it was charlie. ''oh, hey charlie.'' i smiled, trying to turn back before he pulled me to face him again. ''look, can we go upstairs for a minute?'' he asked. ''uhm, maybe later.'' i said, running away to find mo. i was running towards her, then accidentally pushed her to the floor. ''what the fuck, y/n?'' she laughed. ''sorry, accident. anyway, come outside with me.'' i pleaded. ''what, why?'' 

''please just do it. no questions.'' 

''this is a little weird from you, y/n.'' she smiled awkwardly. i rolled my eyes and pulled her outside. i quickly closed the backyard sliding door behind us. ''whats going on, y/n?'' she asked suspiciously. ''look, i know this may seem weird, but i think charlie likes me.'' i quickly said. ''how?'' she asked, crossing her arms. ''well, he just asked me to go upstairs with him a few minutes ago.'' 

''thats the most bullshit reason i've ever heard, y/n.''

''look, its just- this has been going on for months.'' i tried. ''i'll believe it for now. see you later, y/n.'' she said, stepping away and going back into the house. i sighed, and looked down at my shoes. i stepped back into the house, and saw olivia again. ''hey, what was all that about?'' she chuckled, raising a lemonade once again to her lips. 

''oh, nothing.'' i fake smiled. ''hm. alright.'' she shrugged, walking away. ''now can we go upstairs?'' charlie asked. ''oh! charlie! uh, yeah, sure.'' i said. he held his hand out. i stared for a moment, thinking. ''you coming or what?'' he asked impatiently. i sighed, and took his hand. 


''so?'' i asked, once we were alone in a room. ''look, i just wanted to say...uhm..'' he thought for a moment. ''yeah?'' i asked, crossing my arms. '' you, y/n.'' i knew this would happen. i could just storm out this room and tell mo what he had just said to me, or i could keep this between us, and reject him. the big question is: if i did tell mo, would she even believe me?

''charlie...i...i don't know what to say.'' i said. i did know what to say, actually. i wanted to shout how much of a jerk he is, how hes the biggest bitch for liking somebody else behind mo's back. he knew that if we even did start dating, mo would most likely leave the band, and never talk to any of us again. 

''y/n?'' he asked, snapping me out of thoughts. ''oh, uh...i don't know, charlie. you already have a girlfriend.'' 

''yeah, no shit. i was gonna break up with her after this party.'' he admitted. ''what?'' i asked, hoping this was all a dream, and i'd wake up to get ready for school. i pulled out my phone to look at the time and date. it was obviously not a dream. i wish it was, though. 

''you heard me. i said i was gonna break up with her.'' 

''why the fuck would you do that?'' i shouted. ''because i like you, and not her. isn't that obvious?'' he replied. 

''fuck you, charlie! you two have been dating for almost a year, and you're just gonna break up with her? your one year anniversary is almost one week away!'' i couldn't believe the shit he was saying. just before they had started dating, he was saying how he wished mo liked him back. and now he just wanted to break up with her. fucker. 

''i'm sorry, charlie. but this isn't right. i don't know how you can't see that.'' i said, quickly slapping him, before storming out the room. my eyes wandered around the room, trying to search for mo. ''y/n, wait!'' he shouted. ''what is it now, charlie?'' i demanded. the speakers had stopped playing the music and now everyone was looking at us. ''please...'' he whispered. ''please what? i can't believe you. first, it was you begging for mo to like you back everyday, and now that she does, you just want to break up with her? you're a fucking bitch!'' i said, pushing him against the wall, causing everyone to pull out their phones and start recording.

''stop fucking recording!'' i shouted. it was useless. they would obviously, not stop recording. what was gonna happen next? it would get uploaded to one of their instagram stories and it would blow up? fuck, if something happened to our band, i'd likely be the cause of it all. 

mo overheard and came over to us. ''what's going on, charlie and y/n?'' she asked. ''what's going on, is that your boyfriend is a fucking bitch!'' i shouted. ''what?'' mo asked, obviously clueless. ''he was just telling me how he was going to break up with you after this damn party ended!''

''what the fuck...'' mo muttered under her breath. ''look, mo, they're lying! i would never break up with you!'' he said. ''oh, so i'm lying?'' i said. this was the stupidest bullshit ever. ''fuck you.'' i said, shaking my head. mo just stood there.

''i can't believe this. charlie, i'm gonna stick with y/n here.'' she finally spoke up. i let out a sigh of relief. ''i've seen the way you look at her, actually. i can't believe i was this big of a dumbass to think you still liked me.'' she said, tears now streaming down her face. olivia and wen walked over, scott at their side. ''what the fuck, charlie? you're out of this band!'' wen shouted. ''what, you can't kick me out!'' he shouted. ''we can actually, now get out.'' olivia demanded. scott crossed his arms. ''okay, but, y/n slapped me!'' charlie said. this bitch was really fighting for his life over here. 

''you deserved it, fucking bitch.'' scott spoke up. they all walked over to mo's side. this all seemed like one, big, very long dream. it was sadly, not a dream. ''you know what? fine. fuck you all.'' charlie said, grabbing his bag, leaving and slamming the door behind him. ''mo, we're so sorry. we all know how much he meant to you.'' mo smiled at this, and wiped her tears away. ''i think, i'm gonna go.'' she said. ''bye mo, we'll visit you soon.'' scott said. ''bye guys.'' she said, grabbing her purse and leaving the house. ''i guess our performance is off...'' wen said, glaring at the set up for us outside. 

''yeah, i guess it is.'' i said. ''party's over, guys.'' olivia declared. everybody was saying how fun of a party it was, before all this had happened. they had all left. we were the only ones left. ''you guys wanna help clean?'' olivia finally said.

''of course.''

a/n: this was shitty, what the fuck is wrong with me. anyways ily for reading this far bye

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