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This is a long chapter .. enjoy it !
I am incredibly sorry for the large space between lines ! I don't know why this is happening i am pasting the paragraphs from Word they are normal but here in this app the spaces are huge! Anyways, it was fixed so enjoy !

The term was running fast as the students especially the seventh year doing their exams .. a very important year that determine their next career life.
The exams burden was loosen up with the letters between Sirius and Narcissa, where she secretly open them on her bed when Erine is not there.. they all agreed to her will to not mention this in front of him , she is not ready for any drama that his uncontrollable emotions will start.

Sirius too didn't show up in the next Hogsmade visits because he was busy in the ministry, and the order of the Phoenix meetings ..

In the lunch time at Hogwarts great hall , the owl brought mails for Harry and Narcissa, one owl bring letters for both of them, Sirius's owl.
Narcissa heart jumped , and she managed to get her letter and checked if Erine was somewhere close , he wasn't though, so she opened it immediately, a small tea bag and a tiny white flower slide from the paper as she unfolded it , making her blush .
She was reading his letter with joy, and cover her mouth at every light fluff sweet words he wrote.l
Harry was glancing at her, he can notice something about her body language change when she receive something from his godfather.. the way she rush into opening the letter and Ginny already told him she is keeping his letters under her bed in a secured box.

Narcissa side
Finally! Mail here! I get to know Sirius more as days Passed by, he is so funny and sweet just like Ginny described him.. It's just I feel guilty for liking him and not Erine !
I don't know if it's appropriate to do so?
I should keep it up with Erine more , because at the end of this contract I will back to my real life , where Erine is waiting for me !
Anyways! Lets see what he wrote for me I am so excited!
Dear Narcissa..

Your last letter made me laugh at my office so loud! I didn't know you raced on food with Ron! I could imagine you and him filling your mouths with food and choke !
Next time you should do this bet with Harry , he doesn't eat much .
Anyways, I was thinking about you lately ! You share the same name with my deranged cousin, who is completely different from your sweetness ! Don't let me start with my family, but I just kept comparing in my head.
.. and yes dear I read what Rita Skeetcher wrote about Dumbledor , I like how you are loyal to the order although you are not yet part of it, but I assure you , this will not affect our missions at all , her articles. She just like to show everyone in a bad picture! Did you know when Gringgots was robbed few years ago she interviewed Bill Weasely, and then she said in her article that he look like a woman pillock !
Broad and ribald woman that is !

But you know? .. Its just two months and you all can join us in the meetings .
Right here in the order of the Phoenix! I can see how brave you are , starting from your behavior with the recent events .. you accepted a massive change in destiny and sacrificed for your mother, how brave from a girl in your age!
I am looking forward to hear from you soon !

Sincerely, Padfot!

I chuckled and blushed at Bill's story ! And i just admired how encouraging he is , and how serious he is in the matter of joining the order .. I had a curious to see his life more and to know more.. I happily return the letter inside the envelope, and placed the flower in my pen pocket to decorate it.
.. until it's the last day of the term where the gang will seperate and meet up at Christmas after one week.

Narcissa went with her mother at the station , she hugged everyone and grabbed her packs and her cat Cherry, she went to her house finally after long term .
Tomorrow is when she will be married to Sirius , by papers and the case of this debt will be closed forever.. she slept until it's 8 in the evening.. woke up by the knock door of the elf ..
" wake up mistress .. you have guests.. Madam Barbra said get down now "

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