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I was walking back home with the groceries that my mom told me to get about an hour ago. I was 15 minutes away from home, it was pretty quiet, and the weather was pretty nice. A man came up to me looking very fancy. I'm not even gonna lie, he looked fine.

"Would you like to play a game for 1000?" Asked the man.

And I thought to myself, * Well I really need the money for my family.*

I bit my lip "well what's the game called?" I asked with a nervous tone.

"Ddakji" he said. (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it but uh yeah)

"oh? I've never heard about that game before?" I responded.

"it's okay, I will explain you the rules" the man responded back with a smile.


Sorry, I'm too unmotivated to write the whole thing so😅

Time skip


My face and hands started to hurt from all the slapping but I finally beaten him. "Here" said the man in the suit. He passed me a card with three shapes; circle, square, and a triangle. I was about to ask him a question but he vanished?-
I went to my house and saw my mom cooking in the kitchen.

"Hey mom" I said still thinking about the guy and the card.

"Hi honey, I made food for you and your sister" (you have a sister by the way)

"thanks mom" I said while putting the groceries on the table.

Time skip to the part where Y/N (you) is waiting for the van

*should have I came here? What if it's just a kidnapper?! What if-.. I'm just overwhelmed or overreacting?* I kept thinking to myself. A few minutes later I saw a van.

"Password?" He asked bluntly.

"Red light green light?" I responded.

The door opened and I went inside. I looked around and saw a beautiful woman next to me. But before I can think about anything else gas started filling up the room. I tried to hold my breath but failed and passed out.

Time skip (again😀)

I woke up in a different place. And I had a headache like someone hit me in the back of the head. I looked around to check my surroundings and heard people yelling. I got up and walked over to see what was going on, and to my surprise I saw the same beautiful woman from the van. She was getting beat by this ugly man. And yes I know my mom told me to never judge a book by it's cover but I couldn't help it.

He had a number on his jacket "101" I muttered to myself.

I looked at the woman's number. 067. I then checked mine, it was 066. Hm at least it was a even number. I was dozing off until I heard what sounded like a person bang them self's on the floor. I looked up and the 067 on the floor. And well me, I'm not the type just to watch something like that happen. I went behind 101 and pushed him.

"WHAT THE HELL" He yelled. I smirked, he turned around and saw me.


"God damn, you ain't gotta keep screaming." I rolled my eyes.

He punched me in the stomach and I groaned. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath.

I got up quickly and kicked him in the crotch.

He went down quickly and i walked over to 067 "need help?" I asked with a small smile.

She look very pretty up-close. She ignored my hand and got up on her own. "Damn okay." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Im fine" she said.

I think I got butterflies, her voice was very pretty. "DON'T THINK YOUR OFF THE HOOK YOU BIT-"  before he could finish his sentence, some people came out with pink suits and a mask.

"I think they are the guards?" I muttered to myself.
But I guess I was loud enough for 067. "no they are my parents." Said 067 in a sarcastic way "haha very funny" I said back with the same energy.

"Everyone please line in the center" said the man with a mask that had a square. Everyone followed his directions with confused looks, well at least most of them. I was to focused on the 'guards' that I didn't realize 067 was right next to me.

"Each one of you please sign this consent form." Said the guard.

Once it was my turn I read the paper, it said;

CONSENT CLAUSE 1: A player is not allowed to stop playing the game.

CONSENT CLAUSE 2: A player who declines to continue playing will be eliminated.

CONSENT CLAUSE 3: The game will be over if majority of the players agrees to stop.

I signed it.

Once I finished I went over to 067. She looked at me confused.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, what's your name?" I asked with a smile.

"...Kang saebyeok" she said with a bit of hesitation.

"L/N Y/N" I told her.

She smiled softly

Time skip

"Attention players, the first game is about to start so please line up"

I was behind saebyeok, her hair looked a bit fluffy. Then I started zoning out again.

Until I heard a flash, "are we taking pictures now?" I asked saebyeok.

"Yeah" she responded with no emotion.

When it was her turn she didn't even smile, she just looked at the camera bluntly. When it was my turn I smiled a bit. I was insecure about my smile so I didn't like that we had to take pictures.

Then I walked in to what looked like a playground. I was looking at the floor which was filled with real sand. There was many chitchatting which made my head hurt.

Then all of a sudden a lady on the speaker started speaking "Players please gather up near the line in front of you" she started explaining the rules but I didn't listen due to the loud chitchat next to me. I stared at the doll and my surroundings more then trying to pay attention to the lady on the speakers.

My hands hurt- this hurts more than writing in general 😩 This is the end of this chapter. So see you in the next one? Maybe, probably.
Make sure to take care of yourself and eat/drink 😁

(Btw I'm gonna post each chapter everyday, and if I'm feeling well I will post 2 chapters each day)

Word count; 1103

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