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The PA announced that we would have to partner up with someone for the next game, so I went up to sae byeok.

"Sae byeok!" I shouted a bit

I stopped walking, I saw her shaking hands with 208. She looked at me and walked over.

"Listen, if both of us want to make it out we can't be partners for whatever the game is." She said a bit cold.

"Oh, right." I smiled softly while trying to find a partner. I wasn't begging for a partner because that would just be embarrassing.


y/n found a random person to be partners with. '304' was her number.

Once the game had begun y/n and 304 decided to talk until the timer hit 5 minutes.

"So what's your name?" Asked y/n to break the silence

"It's  Viviana, yours?"


"Pretty" said Viviana

"Thanks" y/n smiled.


"So, are you from here?" Asked y/n, curious.

"No, I'm from Kansas" responded Viviana

"Cool!" Y/n said in excitement

"If you win the money what will you use it for?" Asked Viviana out of nowhere.

"Well, I would buy tickets to jeju island since it's my mom's dream place to go and as well as my sister's." Y/n said.

"What about you"

"I really never thought about it. I just came here to get some space from my family" she said.

"Oh, is everything alright?"

"Eh, not really" Viviana looked away

"Is it okay if we talk about it?"

"Yeah I guess"


"My dad is a abusive type, when my mom sees him beating me and my brother she doesn't give 2 fucks."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for asking!" Y/n said slightly bowing

"It's fine it's just, I'm scared. If I don't make it out my brother will have no where to go."

"Let's make a deal."

Viviana looked at y/n confused.

"If one of us doesn't make it out of the heIl hole then the other has to take care of the other ones love ones" y/n smiled

"Deal" she said shaking y/n's hand.

"What about your family?"

"Well my dad left me and my mom when I was only 9 years old. And I had to take care of my mom and my sister"

"Wow, what a d!ckhead."

Y/n and Viviana giggled


"Two minutes left players." Said the PA lady

"Already?" Y/n asked a bit mad since she was having fun with Viviana

"We should start" said Viviana

"Yeah I guess."

We decided to do one round for the time we had left.

"Player 208 eliminated" said the PA lady.

Sae byeoks partner was 208. I sighed in relieve that she didn't get shot, but also felt bad for 208.

"So whoever makes it closer to the wall?"

"Oh, yeah sure" I said remembering I still needed to make it out.

I threw my marble first, it was a few inches away from the wall. It was Viviana's turn but she didn't throw it, she didn't even try. She just dropped her marble on the floor.

"What was that?" I asked a bit pissed.

"You won" she said with a smile.

I grabbed her by the collar of her sweater and pinned her to the wall.

"Throw again!" I yelled

"You won fairly y/n" she said with a tear forming in her eyes.

"You have something, someone, and somewhere to go to. But me? I have nothing" she said crying.

"NO! You still have your brother, and you have me. Please Viviana throw again" I started to tear up.


"I cant, and I don't even know why you're so mad. You just met me"

"SO?!" I yelled even louder.

"Y/N!" She yelled at me back "Promise me you'll take care of my brother" Viviana gave y/n a card that had Viviana's address on it.

".. you wanted to die." Y/n said shaking a bit.

"Please Viviana throw the FUCKING MARBLE AGAIN" y/n started to shout again.

"Y/n, can you promise me something?" She asked smiling, but it wasn't a happy one. It was painful and y/n saw it.

"Go to jeju island for me, and bring my brother as well. His name is Mateo."

"I promise"  y/n said in a shaky voice.

Viviana glanced over to the guard that was waiting. Y/n  let go of her and followed the other guard. But right before She left;

"Y/N! Thank you for being my partner."


"Player 305, eliminated"

Tears started running down your face. You were now determined to leave this place.

You were back in the room were the beds where at. Sae byeok saw you and smiled happily but you ignored her and layers down on your bed, eyes red and puffy from crying.


I heard footsteps knowing it was sae byeok but I didn't want to talk. All I wanted to do was think about how to get out of here.

"Hey?" Sae byeok said

No response

"Come on y/n you barely knew her."

"You weren't in the room when it happened kang sae byeok." I said coldly

"... You're right I wasn't but that doesn't mean you can just be cold to me"

I ignored her and she went back to her bed.

*fuck, I messed up* I thought. I wanted to hug her but I knew that she was now mad at me for being rude to her.

I stayed in my bed for the rest of the day not bothering to go get food. Gi-hun checked up on me every once a while and talking to me for a bit until he had to go back to his bed.

Ow ow ow, hands hurt 😀

Hope you guys liked it :) it took me a awhile to think of an idea. It was just gonna be the marbles game but I decided to add a little more.

Remember to eat/drink water daily!

Word count; 1016

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