Sweet rain

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Yelena pov:

Bar, Sleep, Gym, Bar, Sleep, Gym Over and over and over again. My body was screaming at me to drink anything other than tequila and coffee.


Jumping out of bed I rush my way to the bar sneaking past the cluster of avengers waiting to give me a comprehension on how I've been recently. Hoping the next tequila would be my last knowing full well I'd end up falling asleep at the bar again till closing.

Soft sweet rain ran down my cheeks mimicking the tears that fell before I mustered up the courage to leave my room.

I hear a whisper rattling round my brain. Snakes shed there skin to be set free from there past making them stronger.

I shook my head and nodded At the bar tender for my next round as I felt a chilling breeze and the smell of whiskey and cigarettes stinging my nose.

Shaking the though from my brain I draw my attention to the group of women giggling and winking my way being to shy to come up to me.

That was until I felt a skinny arm wrap around my arm grabbing my attention from the conversation I was having with the bartender.

It wasn't her. But then again she's never coming back I just need to get over myself.

Her lips connecting to mine I felt them tracking down to my collar bone, her hot breath stinging my neck like mosquito bites until...

Pulled back into reality I watched as the girl was floan across the room, hitting her head smack bang on the corner of a table, knocking her out.

Spinning around I watch as the door slams shut and the smell of her intoxicate my nose.

no. no. no.

Sprinting out the door the weather was now thundering and lightning as the black figure was now on the roof.

Sprinting up the stairs I scream at the figure to stop as the sweet rain pored down my face reaching ever inch and crevice of my body, feeling shivers wash over me.

"please..." I pleaded as I looked at the jumper


"no. no I MOURNED YOU" I screamed there back still towards me.

"I nearly died to be with you" I whispered into the rain as the figure spun around slowely pulling down there hood.

The darkness concealed there face as they slowly walked towards me.

Feeling a warm hand holding my cheek I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

"My dove" she whispered as the thunder stopped and the moon eliminated her face.

it was her.

I pulled my face towards hers feeling the rain trickling down her nose and onto my cheek as I kissed her with all the love I had left in my body. She recharged me. She made me feel warm.

"I'm so sorry yelena" she spoke softly as I took in her every feature, stinging my heart, realising what I was missing.

"Please don't tell me I'm gonna wake up and you gone again, every night I dream ur coming back until I wake up I don't wanna wake up this time please I can't take it anymore" I sobbed into her neck trying to figure out if she was really here or just a figment of my imagination.

"I'm here my love, it's me" she spoke making me drop to my knees crying.
I felt her pull me into my lap and cradle me until i opened my eyes and I was on the balcony looking out to the city.

Where did she go. No please.

I ran into the room frantically looking around for her as she entered from the bathroom.

"Hey hey hey I'm here shhhh" she said taking me into her arms. I wish I could be here forever.

"Lemme get dressed I'll be two seconds" she smiled placing me on the bed like I was made out of porcelain.

She walked back in patting for me to get into bed. Resting my head on her chest and flinging my arm around her I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Please don't leave me alone again

my darkness ~ Yelena.bWhere stories live. Discover now