nice one

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Hannah pov:

The memories of my past always rattled around in my mind, daring to escape through my emotions that's why keeping myself cold and never showing vulnerability was my strong suit into keeping it all compacted in.

She was something I couldn't figure out she made me feel a sort of sick feeling in my stomach, did she disgust me that much? I don't know. How is it that she let me in let me see her vulnerable and yet I couldn't even make eye contact.

My legs dangled over the edge of the roof as I puffed on my cigarette completely forgetting all the sick feelings, all the pain and remembering the good. My hands were cold to my liking and my legs ached becoming stiff. I spun round to walk towards the elevator when a painful memory crept it's way back from the past.

"Hannah help me please I can't breath"

"LILY I CANT PLEASE TRY TO UNLOCK THE DOOR" I screamed to my sister. My body becoming weak.

"I can't Hannah please help the flames are too much there making it too hot to open I can. I'm sorry I love you-"


"NO NO NO NO" I screamed from my lungs as my powers became uncontrollable once again I dropped to my knees letting the flames being produced from my body engulf the entire house.

"No no no no please" I dropped to my knees screaming as my body screamed out flames all around me as my whole world went black.

Yelena pov:

Something started beeping and all of a sudden the whole building shook.

"Sir Hannah has become uncontrollable and collapsed on the roof" Friday spoke

The whole team ran to the elevator some running up the stairs trying to reach her. The door flung open and the once green plants all turned to a crisp. Parts of the floor being still on fire as she layed in the middle of the floor exhausted.

I looked at her face, her tears streaming down her cheeks as she muttered no no no no lily no.

Thor lifted her up and took her to Bruce setting up the med bay.

Walking in and seeing her laying muttering words made my body heavy. Why did I care, she didn't care about me, she didn't even acknowledge me the first time I met her, she doesn't care about me- . Last night, she stayed with me, she gave me her hoodie, she drank all her tea I made for her, wait does she-?

I just looked at her confused and like I was trying to figure out her entire life in the expression resting on her face. A lot more different from her usual scowl.

I sat on the chair next the her holding her hand drawing small shapes on the back of it as I prayed she would wake up from whatever horrid things were going on in her brain.

Almost as If on cue she sat up really suddenly ripping my hand from hers and frantically looking around the room.

"Hey hey it's okay I'm here" I smiled at her resting a hand on her back. She just stared at me confused as she caught her breath.

"y-yelena?" I stared at me scared, worried, confused feelings dancing behind her cold blue eyes as her face softened at the look of me.

"hi" I smiled at her as she pulled herself off the chair not acknowledging me anymore heading straight for the door.

"why do you hate me" I just stood there guilt in my stomach, her cold actions hurting me.

She just froze still looking at the door her head turning to look at me.

"I don't hate you"

"Then why do you act like it" I felt tears pricking the back of my eyes as I fiddled with the end of my shirt looking down trying to not let them spill Infront of her. I couldn't do that again I looked stupid and weak last time.

She just looked at me a strange expression playing on her face as she let out a big sigh.

"I don't hate you because if I hated you I wouldn't have given you my hoodie or comforted you or the fact that I haven't complained that I have to be in a car with you for like 20 minutes just me and you. y-you make my stomach do a weird twisty thing when I look at you and Iv never felt it and it confuses me I don't know what the feeling is but it's weird. I don't hate you Yelena it's just new for me because I don't know how to get you out my mind" she then just left.

W-what the hell just happened. She doesn't hate me, brill but all the other stuff I-i don't know what to say. Does she have feelings for me?

I mean when I see her I get butterflies and my speech stutters and I get nervouse and I do think about her alot- OH GOD NO I HAVE FEELINGS.

Dear god help me.

my darkness ~ Yelena.bWhere stories live. Discover now