"Chapter 36🔞"

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As Amelia continued her drive out to see her brother she was thinking and certainly, not for the first time, just how much she hated the fact that he lived so far away. Granted, when you got to his place and took in the views of his land, it was kind of worth it, but there was no way you could think those thoughts whilst making the journey. It was only 5.30 am and the roads out of the city were already gridlocked. God, if there was one thing she hated about New York, it was the traffic.

She was really worried about Derek. He had not returned her calls and she had heard some disturbing rumors at the hospital from one of the nurses when she popped in to look for him; the nurse had obviously assumed that she knew. And if what she heard was true, she had no idea what state she was going to find her brother in. She had looked for Meredith but was told that she had been in surgery. She had only popped into the hospital on her lunch break so she couldn't wait around. She had spent the entire night trying to call him and left various messages. She had even tried Meredith again but was unable to reach her. It made her feel a little guilty where Meredith was concerned, she had not got to see much of her lately. Amelia knew that if the rumors were true (God forbid!), Meredith would be there to pick up the pieces despite her and Derek not being together right now. If Derek were to turn to anyone, then it would be her. Amelia had wanted to drive out last night to her brother's, only Sam had to work late so that left her home alone with Elizabeth. Luckily, today was a national holiday so there was no school; she didn't have work and Sam had Elizabeth for the day. She took in a breath of relief as she looked ahead and saw that the traffic was beginning to clear, she would hopefully be at Derek's sooner than she thought.

"Mmmm," Meredith sighed as she felt herself beginning to stir from her sleep, she could sense the daylight beginning to creep in through the skylight window that she knew was above her. Last night her and Derek had spent hours just talking whilst they held each other and looked up at the stars through the same skylight. It had been one of their favorite past times and it felt good reminiscing it, last night everything had felt perfect... pretty much like how it felt now, actually. She could feel Derek's slight stubble tickling her as he moved his lips up and down her neck, pecking small kisses all over it. She turned slightly towards his body, causing him to move away from her neck and look at her face. Meredith opened her eyes and they automatically clashed with Derek's.

"Good Morning." He murmured as he brought his lips down on hers and pulled her into a searing kiss.

"Morning..." she giggled breathlessly as he pulled back "and Morning to you too..." She nodded her head indicating Derek's fully grown manhood, it was more than making its presence known as it poked in her side and twitched in her direction every time he moved it out of contact with her body.

"And he says good morning to you too and that he is very happy to see you..." Derek chuckled.

"Oh is he now?"

"Oh yes..." Derek breathed, he brought his head down back to hers and captured her mouth with his. He pulled back again from Meredith leaving her panting heavily for breath. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I am feeling good, even better now." She reached up and cupped his face in her hand as she stroked her thumb across his cheekbone.

"And how is the baby feeling?" Derek asked as he moved his head away from her and moved down to her stomach. He pulled back the shirt of his that she had borrowed for bed the night and he brought his mouth down to her stomach and gently kissed the place where their baby was.

"The baby is great this morning too..."

"That's good... Good morning baby..."

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Meredith giggled as she ran her fingers through his hair.

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