"Chaper 49 Decision time"

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"Derek Maloney," Ellis hissed. "I should have guessed, whenever you are around trouble seems to follow Meredith..."

"Ellis, thank you for getting here so quickly," Richard stepped forward before Derek retaliated. The last thing that Meredith needed was for them to go head to head with one another. "You are looking well Ellis and it's good to see you again. I just wish it was under better circumstances."

"Well it's lucky that I was already here attending a conference or it would have taken longer."

"Where is Thatcher, Ellis? Is he not with you?" Richard asked.

"No, he is at home in Boston. I didn't see the point in calling him until I saw for myself what was going on..."

"Ellis," Richard groaned. "I told you on the phone how serious it was. Thatcher should be here..."

"And I know just how over dramatic you can be Richard. Answer me this as well, just how long has my daughter been here working for you?"

"She has been working for me for about four months."

"I thought we were friends Richard? I can recall at least 4 times that we have been in touch over the last few months and you knew I was flying out here for the conference." As Ellis said that, Derek's eyes shot to Richard. He couldn't believe that he knew Ellis was going to be so close to them and he failed to mention it.

"She asked me not to say anything to you Ellis and as her employer I had to respect her wishes..."

"More like you coddled her, just as you always did. And you..." Ellis gestured in Derek's direction. "Just what role are you playing in my daughter's life?"

"We are living together." Derek said confidently. He was no longer the scared little boy anymore where Ellis was concerned.

"It worked out well for you didn't it, Meredith's husband dying? You are lucky though. It happened here and that I didn't hear of it sooner. If it happened in Seattle I would have known about it and made sure you didn't get your claws hooked into her again. Her previous employer thought to keep me updated on her life."

"Wow. I am surprised that you were even interested in what was going on in her life," Derek sarcastically responded.

"How dare you! Of course I was interested. Meredith is my daughter and I have only ever wanted what was best for her even if she could not see that herself. I sacrificed my own relationship with her to ensure that she had the best start in life, which was no thanks to you. By the looks of things though she learned nothing, if you two really are back together."

Derek noticed that some of his colleagues were looking on with interest, only a handful of people knew of his history with Meredith. "Yeah well you keep telling yourself that we know different, you split us up for your own selfish needs..."

"My selfish needs?" Ellis quipped as she barked out a short laugh. "I was not the adult who had sex with a child and got her pregnant. I should have gone ahead and had you prosecuted for statutory rape when I had the chance." There were suddenly collective gasps around the room and all eyes were on Derek.

"Ellis," Richard butted in sharply. "This is not the time or place to be dredging up the past..."

"No Richard, it's ok," Derek interrupted. He was determined not to allow Ellis to wield any power over him or destroy the reputation he had at the hospital, the one he had worked so hard on building. "If you must all know," he spoke addressing everyone. "Meredith and I have been in love and have known each other forever. We used to live across the street from one another and on her 13th birthday when I was 15 years old we officially started dating. When Meredith was 16, not long before her 17th birthday, when I was 18, she fell pregnant. Dr. Grey here forced her to have an abortion and have nothing further to do with me or else she was going to have me prosecuted for statutory rape..." Derek saw sympathy in the eyes of his colleagues.

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