"Chapter 39"

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"Good Morning Patricia."

Patricia looked up from her computer screen to look the former nurse up and down and was unable to mask the look of disgust that came over her face. "It was..."

"Who do you think you are? You are a mere secretary, a dog's body. I am...."

"You are what? Don't make me laugh. I know I should remain professional but I cannot. I will tell you exactly what you are... you are a despicable human being and after you are done with Chief Webber, you will be an unemployed despicable human being."

"I don't have to take this from you, can you just let Chief Webber know that I am here."

"Didn't you get the message? Your meeting was postponed until 1pm, Ms. Turner."

"What message? I obviously didn't get it as it's only 11 O' clock. I want to see him now."

"Well I am sorry but he is busy dealing with your partner in crime..." Patricia begun but was interrupted by Rose.

"Addison's here?"

"Yes she is, she is in with the chief now. Originally she should have come in this afternoon but we had to reschedule things. I don't know how you didn't get the message," Patricia said with a smirk. "But now it looks as if you are going to run into her, will that be a problem?"

"No of course not, why would it be?"

"No reason." Patricia smiled, she knew from Dr. Montgomery's previous meeting that she was not too happy with Rose. She purposely did not reschedule with Rose in the hopes of seeing a show down. "Why don't you go and take a seat whilst you wait, I am sure the chief will be able to see you straight after." Patricia nodded in the direction of some seats opposite her desk. "After all I have not got the time to sit here exchanging pleasantry's with you, some of us actually have a job to get on with."


"You know I have never ever in my entire career come across someone who acts as unprofessionally as you do."

"I have already told you, I acted out of desperation for someone who I thought was a friend. She blackmailed me."

"But yet you can not tell me what she blackmailed you with."

"No I can't. But Richard, please? You know how good I am, I have turned that department around since coming here, I have attracted so many difficult cases. I have worked so hard to get where I am. I am begging you..."

"I won't deny that you have made the department more profitable, however how much of that profitability has been achieved through dodgy dealings? I don't trust you and I do not buy your version of events and more importantly, neither do the board. You are finished Addison, you will never practice again. And the board have also asked me to inform you about the impending law suit..."

"What impending law suit? What are you talking about?"

"The hospital along with Mrs. Carter, you know the patient who's records you tampered with? Are bringing a civil law suit against you."

"No Richard please I am begging you." Addison began to plead. "Take my license and I will disappear. You will never hear from me again but please not a law suit..."

"What's the matter Addison? You scared of the publicity?"

"You are going to destroy my life."

"And some might say that is exactly what you deserve. You almost destroyed a number of innocent lives and could have destroyed the reputation of my hospital. There is no way I will allow you to walk away with your dignity intact. So I suggest that the quicker you face up to the consequences of your actions the better it will be for you. Your are being struck off and will never practice medicine again and we will also see you in court." Richard couldn't help the tiny ounce of pity that surged through him as Addison broke down sobbing.

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