Hi, my name is Kyle Rivera and I am a Multiverse walker. I have seen the worlds from other creators around the Multiverse seeing worlds that I kid you not would make your mind explode but anyway enough about me I am going to visit these worlds and s...
KLigers98: The hunt is on and Kyle is about to go through literal and physical hell. Sometimes I wonder if I just let him live his life and not show him the multiverse would his life be different? Probably, plus he had a degree in film... Okay, yeah looking back I fucked on that part then he did the rest on his own. Tojamaru I am to blame for this.
Tojamaru: I've known that ever since the group stopped Darkness, better late than never I suppose. Now let's see Kyle suffer for his crimes, unfortunately, I highly doubt someone like him will learn his lesson.
Unknown area in hell
Running through unknown parts of hell Kyle was moving at a fast pace as well as trying to think of a way to survive.
Kyle: Fuck if I am going to face any one of those people I got to make a plan.
Kyle kept running and as he does he sees fireworks which makes him stop.
Kyle: Oh boy...
Kyle then turns around and sees Maria.
Maria: Well damn I found you first.
Kyle: Well shit....
Maria: Yep.
Both Maria and Kyle just stared at each other before Maria charged at him. Maria went for a haymaker which Kyle slipped through and uppercut Maria. Maria fell down and then cracked her neck.
Maria: Huh? You got some power in the punch.
Kyle: Thanks a lot of training can do that for yeah.
Maria smiled while Kyle looked confused until he felt danger and portal down the street just in time before he got hit with a throwing knife. Kyle then comes out of the portal and tries to see who shot him and looks and behold it was Viper.
Viper: Hey, so how are you feeling? Ready to be skinned alive?
Kyle: Shit.
Kyle then sees Viper coming down the building holding knives and smiling sadistically.
Viper: Look if you run, that will only make this worse on you, so I recommend you don't.
Kyle then did the only logical solution.
Kyle: Bye.
Kyle then portals another 3 blocks and starts running while Viper helps Maria up.
Viper: Hey should we let him run, or should I contact Vega? He might help prevent our friend from chickening out.
Maria: Naw let him go Ruse and Cherry Bomb are down that way.
Viper: Fine, but if I don't get to cut him up a little bit, I'll be pissed!
As Viper said that the sounds of explosions could be heard.
Pentagram City
A loud explosion struck a building and Kyle was seen dodging bombs from a woman with one eye like it was no tomorrow.
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