Chapter four: The Bell Test

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The following morning Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and I waited for Kakashi-sensei. He ended arrived late like he did the first day we met.

"Good morning!" Kakashi greeted.

"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted.

"Shut up, whiskers," I muttered, glaring at the side of Naruto's head.

"Geez, sorry, Shi," Naruto mumbled."What is your deal acting like your better than us?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as Kakashi placed an alarm on the tree stump beside him.

"I've set this alarm to go off at noon," Kakashi said before showing three bells.

This confused Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke while I just stared at the sky bored.

"I have here three small bells... Your challenge is to steal these from me before the timer sounds. Anyone who fails... Doesn't get any lunch. Instead, you will be tied to that tree stump so that I can eat your lunch in front of you." Kakashi said.

I looked at the others and rolled my eyes, hearing their stomachs grumble slightly.

'What idiots it essential to eat something to have energy. So it is better to risk throwing up than not eating.' I thought.

"All you need is just one bell... Apiece. But since there aren't enough to go around, one of you is definitely headed for the stump. And whoever that is will be the first of you to fail. One of you is on your way back to school... And disgrace."

Naruto gulped silently.

"You may choose, use shuriken. Attack as though you mean to kill, or you'll never stand a chance."

"But... But that's so dangerous!" Sakura said.

"You couldn't even dodge an eraser!! You're going to get yourself killed!" Naruto stated.

"What an idiot," I muttered.

"Only the weak speak loudly. Now, let's forget the clown, and we'll start on my signal!" Kakashi replied.

Naruto was gritting his teeth in annoyance.

Naruto quickly reached for a kunai, twirled it before having it in the palm of his hand, gripping it.

Before Naruto could throw it, he was already in a deadly position that Kakashi placed him in.

I looked at Naruto with a broad expression on my face at his foolish behavior.

Naruto looked in the corner of his eyes, at Kakashi, a kunai at the back of his head.

"Not so fast. I didn't say "go." Kakashi said.

Sakura and Sasuke moved away.

"But at least you struck to kill... So, it seems you've begun to respect me. Heh heh heh... Maybe... Just maybe... I'm starting to like you four. And now... Ready... Steady... Go!!!"

Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and I quickly left the scene, to hide.


I was staying hidden in the leaves of a tall tree. I watch as Naruto foolishly comes out of his hiding spot.

"You and me right now fair and square!" Naruto yelled at Kakashi as he stood out in the open.

"You know, compared to the others, you are kind of weird," Kakashi stated.

"Oh yeah, the only thing weird here is that haircut!" Naruto said.

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