Chapter 24: Double date, pt. 2

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The dinner went normally, the drinks openned the way to a relaxed atmosphere that helped Kenobi and Alika to say things that they wouldnt dare to say, something that started to change slightly the conception that Anakin and Zoey had about them.

"Im starting to think we shouldnt have ordered that wine" Zoey said a little worried

"Or we should also remember that drinking isnt their strong suit" Anakin replied

It was worth to remember that the naboo flower wine has one of the most concentrated flavors, one that rivalized that of the mandalorian zake but for their luck, the music started to invade the atmosphere and that just gave a green light for the phase two of their plan: Dance and make sure they dance together, because of the drinks that Alika had, she was very excited so she got up and said with a very excited voice tone:

"Oooh, i love this song!" she turn towards Obi Wan and Zoey and took them from their hands, and pull them to the dance floor

Anakin was just as surprised as Zoey was, Obi Wan was so reserved and very educated while Alika was serious, reserved, ellegant and a little melancholic, so seeing them so relaxed and celebrating was some sort of luxury. It didnt took long for him to join so he could dance with Zoey whie they started to make sure that Obi Wan stayed close to Alika, excited she said:

"This is working" while a smile was drawing on her face

Anakin replied happy " We might call it a victory already"

In the begginig, the music sounded lively and energetic making everyone dance like there was no tomorrow, like there was no war going on. Soon, the music's rythm change to a slow and romantic one, for Obi Wan and Alika change to this rythm was a little complicated, for their fellow jedi the change was something easy.
The confusion of the moment cause that two experimented dancers had to be very carefull on their steps and who would take the lead on the dance, Alika stepped on Obi Wan by accident.

Ashamed, she gave a step back and said "Im very sorry, master"

Obi Wan replied, sounding carefree "No, dont be sorry" and then said "In these moments, i have to left feet"

In those moments, their faces started to go red as cherries, it took them a little longer to adjust but, it wasnt impossible. Anakin and Zoey were able to see how they got closer and closer, they were proud by seeing how their plan was working, on a enthusiastic tone Zoey asked:

"Do you think they might admit their feelings for eachother?"

Anakin replied "It's a little soon to say" and added in a joking tone "I might not be the right person to say it, but you might want to be a little patient"

Zoey only left a giggle out.

The music not only brought everyone together, it was constructing a very romantic and beautiful atmosphere that was accomplishing it's purpose, it brought them so close to eachother at the point that they were close to admit their feelings for eachother; Obi Wan went blushed in the moment that Alika rested her head on his chest while she just let herself go with the flow as she was feeling his warmth, the brush between her hair and beard, she also was able to hear how fast his heartbeat was at the point she didnt realize that the desire wasnt playing games with her mind because she just felt him close to her, he felt her getting close. For them, that moment seemed longer when actully it just passed 10 minutes until there was a conmotion that called their attention, they heard the sound of glasses breaking against the ground. Alika turn around to see what was happening while Obi Wan was still confused.
Who didnt seemed to be distracted by it were Zoey and Anakin, who were focused on a loving kiss, Alika saw this and everything was reveal before her in a way: This was planned by them. In the middle of this, she took a step back from Obi Wan who didnt understood why she did that.

She said, a little reserved "Im sorry, master" and then added politely "But i have to go"

When Anakin and Zoey stopped kissing, she felt Alika's hand on her shoulder so she turn around to see she was pissed, she said firmly:

"Do not ever get into my personal life again"

Then she started to walk out of the place while Zoey started to follow her. Anakin and Obi Wan managed to see eachother eye to eye despite the distance between them, he managed to understand what was happening so his expression of confussion turned into an angry one, he got close to his old apprentice and then he asked angry:

"Are you trying to get me kicked out of the jedi order?"

Anakin only managed to anwser "Im only looking for you to be happy, master"

Obi Wan said, on a very angry tone that he already was happy but that he couldnt be with Alika that way; not only because he was a member of the jedi council but because he was Alika's master, he tried to hide his feelings for her by saying he still loved Satine and couldnt go against those feelings along with the jedi code. Anakin was not buying it, he told him that he was able to see how he felt for her and he had to tell her, otherwise he would always live with a void inside his heart.
Kenobi noticed something, not only that he was right but also that it sounded like he knew what he was talking about, was he that close to Padme or Zoey? little did he knew that his question already had an anwser.

Zoey was still trying to get to talk to Alika, who tried to ignore her friend until she finally caught up to her and took her gently by the arm, she said a little nervous

"I can explain"

Alika replied with a question " How dare you to get in my personal life?"

She replied " I did it because i want to see you happy" she pause and then explained "I see how you look at him, you look at him the way i did with Anakin before i told him how feel about him"

Zoey told Alika what Obi Wan meant to her: An unattainable, silent, forbidden and longed love. She told her that after what happend with Draken, she deserved to be happy and if she could find that with Kenobi, the better for her.
Alika knew that Zoey was right on everything, but she simply couldnt anwser so she only told her that she couldnt get into her personal life that way again. The minutes went by, Obi Wan and Alika left to the jedi temple while Anakin and Zoey payed the bill, after that they went for a walk until they got to a fountain.

Anakin said a little disappointed " Well, we tried"

She replied "We were so close" she sounded a little sad

They sat down on a bench close to the fountain, they could only wonder what they might be talking about, if Obi Wan started to get suspicious about their relationship and if there was still hope that their plan worked out.

Anakin asked her, as he got her close to him "What's on your mind?"

Zoey replied "In almost nothing, im only thingking that it could have gone better" she paused and then said "Maybe i should stick to military tactics, reading and dance before playing match maker"

He gave her a kiss on her cheek, then he told her " Dont be so hard on yourself" and then said "I guess is better if we let outcome to fate"

She only rested her head on his shoulder while a smile was drawing on her face, she replied with a question "How can you get me this peaceful?"

He replied happy "I just happend to know you"

Both stood close to eachother a while longer and then kissed, however they didnt know that from a far someone was watching them and taking pictures. The bounty hunter anwsered to her client

"I've got something that you might find as usefull" Eclipsa said, as she imagened what she would do with her payment

"Is it a weakness?" The client asked

"It sure is" she replied confident

"Excellent work, bounty hunter" the voice said with a satisfied tone

In the mean time on the jedi temple, Obi Wan and Alika were still ashamed - and angry- for what happend, in their way back they just vent about what Anakin and Zoey did, their nerve to do what they did, the lack of respect and consideration towards them despite their good intentions, what they did was wrong.

Alika took a deep breath and then asked "How about we go for a cup of tea?"

"Id love to" Kenobi replied

They went for the cup of tea, something that would relax them and help them to talk with ease, who knows? maybe something besides a good conversation would happend.

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