Chapter 26: Skyfall

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Attack the heart is one of the most effective and low ways that one can use against their enemy, but it was something that Dooku planned to use against Zoey and Anakin to have an open way to conquer Mandalore.
While his ship was landing, he knew that one of the tombs would be usefull on his plan: Ludo Kresh's tomb wich was able to cause hallucinations, however he had a question and it was: Wich one of the jedi he should capture to bend the other to his will? Both of them had power and immeasurable potential for the dark side; Zoey was a jedi that wouldntbe manipulated and in the past she's been capable to save anyone without much problem wich made Anakin the most logical option. His lack of patience, impulsiveness, the little control over his emotions and now that he was aware that he and Zoey had a sentimental relationship made him vulnerable.

In the prison known as "the Prism", a droid was on its way to deliver food to a prisoner from Utapau, the sith known as Darth Mactabilis. The droid placed the food on the slit wich the sith took but suddenly he noticed something inside the mashed potatoes, a device that seemed an explosive that would be usefull to escape like any other war prisoner would do. Without wasting time he placed the explosive on the door while he took cover under the bed from the explosion.

The explosion destroyed the door and a bit from the walls, it sounded like the roar of a rancor. The alarms started to sound all around the prison making the jedi in charge to go after the prisoner but on his way he saw another sith lord that was looking for a fight. How was he able to get inside the prison?. Draken asked with a menacing tone

"Any last words?"

The jedi responded confident "Yeah, you and your friend wont get out of here alive"

Draken anwsered with hatred and haughtiness "Dont be so sure"

They would fight him to the death to prevent him from calling reinforcements, lure him to a death zone and finish him wich at the end it worked for them, they managed to escape however the alarm was still on and it would be heard by the jedi council, giving them time ennought to escape. A droid decided to make a call to the jedi council to let them know of what was happening, when they got the report they couldnt belive what had just happend; the prism was an inpenetrable prison and its localization was unknown, how Dooku was capable to find it?. In the past, Dooku spent his time teaching to his padawans, doing missions and sharing moments with his family at Sereeno so he never had time to learn the location of the prison, let alone guard making this a great enigma to them. The members of the jedi council decided to sent Alika and Zoey to look for clues that could help them.

Alika asked intriged "How comes almost no one at the jedi order knows about the prison?"

Zoey anwsered a little surprised "I have no idea" and added "Maybe the less everyone knows, the better to prevent the enemy to use something against the jedi"

"Good point" She anwsered and then said "Sometimes ignorance is the safest of the shields"

Zoey asked curious "Did you ever heard your grandfather talk about the prison?"

Alika anwsered "No, from what master Yoda was able to tell me, he never had the chance to tell him when he considered him to guard the prison, he didnt even tell him after the death of master Jinn"

She stopped and asked "So, he was up to consideration back then?"

"Apparently" She replied intriged

They considered him but no one had the chance to tell him anything, nothing was making sense, there were wondering if they overlooked a clue, they went to take a look to the files of the prisoners but there was very little information from Mactabilis; the only information that could help them was his blood sample that could help them, it was curious that he shared the same type that Alika and the count had.
In the infarmary, Alika and Zoey started to look for the blood sample but it was a little complicated for them, the fight between the jedi and the sith caused a mess but to their luck, the capsule that contained the blood samples of the prisoner was safe. They openned it and Alika took the one that said "D. Mactabilis".

"We got it" Zoey commented

Alika took it but she almost drop it when she felt a great familiarity, almost similar to her own blood. Zoey placed her hand on her shoulder asking her if she was ok, Alika anwsered she was ok despite that her friend knew she wasnt, she was able to feel her suspiciouns, the shock and the fear. They took the decision look for a coincidence on Alika's family to know who Mactabilis was while Zoey would look a clue of where did the sith escaped to wich wouldnt be easy when she saw they took the ship of the jedi they killed.

In the jedi temple, Obi Wan and Anakin felt a disturbance in force thet came from wherever Zoey and Alika were at, it was uncertain at first but it was clear that it became a premonition that something terrible would happend in the future.
The agressive and untimely way it felt, indicated that it would change a part of their lives and despite they felt worried somehow they managed to stay calmed.

"Did you felt that, master?" Anakin asked

Obi Wan anwsered a little worried "Yes, i felt it" and then said "Something is about to happend"

A few minutes later a message arrived from the prison, it was a report that said that the damages were minimum, the jedi who guarded the prison was dead making the fact that all the prisoners were still at their cell the only thing they wouldnt have to worry about. While it was comforting news for the jedi council, Obi Wan was still worried because he felt tension on Alika while Anakin was saying that they wouldnt have to worry about the prisoners.
Anakin didnt said anything after seeing his master worried, he had felt the same in the past and despite he dealt with those feelings that didnt made it any easy when he had them, like his master he wanted to be at the side of his beloved and comfort her if she ever needed it.
In the prism, Alika had the results from the blood of Mactabilis, there was a connection with someone else and that someone was Count Dooku himself, news that were surprising as they were disturbing, why would he clone himself? a question that would have an anwser on the future. The shock was still present with them, she was lucky that Zoey was at her side when she read the results.
Zoey placed her hands on Alika's shoulders while she was telling her to take deep breaths, reasuring her everything will be alright, for a moment she thought that at least they had an anwser for how Draken came for Mactabilis

"Let's get back to our ship" Zoey sentenced and then said calmed "You need time to process all this"

"I will" Alika replied still at shock

In the ship, Alika went to rest to her room so she could find a logical anwser to all this problem, she wished Obi Wan was there to advice her. Zoey was on the bridge giving the report to the few present members of the council who, were in disbelief when they heard everything

"Dooku clonned himself?" Obi Wan asked surprised and then asked "Why?"

"We're still looking an anwser to that, but we thin he might have done it when he ordered the production of the clone army" Zoey responded

"It makes sense" Anakin said, still surprised

"What should we do?" Zoey asked, feeling unsure

Obi Wan was thinking, he knew they had to catch Draken and Mactabilis but with all this new information they would have to be carefull with every step they took, he looked at master Yoda who nodded at him so he could give the next order, finally he broke the silence and order

" Go after them, but be carefull, we dont know of what that clone might be capable of"

"Understood" Zoey replied

"Be carefull" Anakin said, a little worried

"I'll be carefull" Zoey anwsered to him and then added "We all will be carefull"

Obi Wan said "We'll go to Kamino to find any information on the clone, if we find something we'll let you know"

"Very well" she replied and then said "May the force be with you"

The call ended there, to Obi Wan, order them to go after the enemy was something that he didnt like at all but he was hiding that disgust to himself but as soon as they left the council chamber, Anakin didnt wasted time to show his disgust

"We should go with them" he said with disgust and then said worried "They might be in danger, you said it yourself: we dont know what that clone might be capable of"

Obi Wan replied "If we want to help them, this is the better way to help them, Anakin"

He responded with more coarseness "They need us"

He felt how impatient Anakin was, how he wanted to go and help Zoey and then he finally realizes that there was more to it, he felt the strong love Anakin had for her and then he asked

"Do you love her?"

Anakin didnt care how to anwser that, for the expression of surprised was initial response. He said firmly and proud "Yes, i love her and i dont expect you to understand because you havent told Alika what you feel for her"

"You're walking on thin ice" Obi Wan responded, a little offended when he brought up Alika

Anakin didnt care, resigned they started to leave for Kamino, they understood they would have to talk about this when everything was over. Kenobi didnt understood how Anakin could be with Zoey, how they were willing to break their bows to the jedi order and he also wondered long have they been together. The jedi could only hope their significant others were fine by their own, but unfortunalty the sith started their attack on the ship of the jedi.
They started their attack during the night, when they would be more vulnerable, they had a mission: Capture one of them but they would soon realize they wouldnt go down without a fight.

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