Chapter 8: Forbidden Love

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Days later to the victory of Ruusan, the jedi went back to Courscant. Surprisingly for some the travel was a bit quiet wich was good for everyone after such an strenuous battle. Once in the jedi temple, Alika, Anakin and Zoey reported to council the results of the battle: Quin Lan Vos fall to the dark side and death, how Dooku got away with his plan and that great of the credit on defeating the enemy was achived by the padawans Kryze and Tano. Yoda was looking peacefull in the outside but his preocupation was felt by the other jedi

"a shame Quin Lan Vos betrayl is" Yoda said and then continued "Worry on Dooku's plans we have yet"

"Question is: where is he going to strike next?" Obi Wan commented

"If he's looking for knowledge from acient sith lords, its probable he has gone to a former sith planet" Alika said and continued " maybe Ziost or Khar Delba"

"Probable that is" Yoda said and then continued " Sadly most maps related to the acient planets of the sith, destroyd are"

"Then we'll have to wait for him to make a move once more" Mace replied

"We have, indeed "

To surprise of the council, Anakin was quiet and many thought he started to have more patience but Obi Wan and Alika there was something else in his mind that called his attention, on one side he was paying some attention to what the council was saying on the other side of his attention was Zoey, and her attention was also divided. After the reunion, Mace decided to ask to his former padawan if there was something wrong with her

"Is there something bothering you, Zoey" he asked

"No, master" she anwsered with calm and then said "Im just angry that we didnt caught Dooku"

"Im sorry but i dont belive you" He replied and then said " If you need to talk about it you know where to find me"

"Thanks, master " She said and then start walking to her room

Sometimes Zoey wanted to talk to Mace about this kind of inner conflicts but she knew he wouldnt understand half of it and would lecture her about jedi and attachments. She always thought some traditions of the jedi make no sense and less when she read about Revan and Bastila married and stayed as jedi knights unlike her ancestors who left the jedi order to live their life. Since teenage years her mind on the jedi changed a bit.

She laid down to think about the kiss with Anakin, the simple tought made her blush and touch her lips with the tips of her fingers, she started to think in hindsight on the days before and after Geonosis and that back then she didnt said anything about her feelings however the memory of her overhearing Anakin and Padme's conversation relating to their relationship could also be a foreshadowing of her future as it happend to them. Anakin and Padme's relationship was always taking turns to the worse at her eyes, they married so quickly and the 60% of the times they were fighting

"But the future is always uncertain. It doesnt have to be that way for both of us" she tought to herself and the thought "If there's an us"

Anakin on the other side felt a great attraction towards her, it was very different from what he use to feel for Padme; with Zoey was affection that evolve to more, did their force bond had anything to do with it to? He didnt know how or when but he was admiting to his love and unwavering devotion for her, he was sure that she felt the same or probably more of what he mas imagening.

That night, Zoey decided to take a walk to the botanic garden of Courscant, the garden was fulled of force energy and it was a relaxing place to be, specially more when she laid down in the grass where, close her eyes and feel the force. Normally it was her refuge from the war but even a refuge has to be invaded by reality

"Thought i'd find you here" Anakin said

"I dont interrupt you when you're meditating" she replid with a joking tone while opening her left eye

"I know" he replied following the joke and then said "But, i think we need to talk about that kiss"

"Thought you'd say that" She replid while standing up, then she asked "You want to talk about it with a coffee?"

"Sure, doesnt soud bad" he said then commented a little embarassed "Y-you're a kisser"

"Thanks" she said hessitating, blussing a little

They went to a coffee that was one of the most frequented on Courscant, where clients had the privilage to drink or eat in private and the place was with an influence of Naboo combained with Shu-Torun, very ellegant for a coffee shop yet accessible for mid and high classes and if you were a jedi you had a discount, so in resume it was a good place to have a private talk. The waiter took them to the private table that was at the corner

"You have a fine taste, Ani" Zoey stated

"Actully is to ellegant for my taste, i come here for the attention and the discount" he clarified

"I see" she said and then asked "Should i break the ice or you want to break it?"

"Ladies first"

"Ok" she said, took a sip of her coffee ans stated "This is going to take a while"

She started telling him about her feelings for him started before they had to protect Padme on Naboo, that she was planning on drop the bomb the day he kissed Padme and after that decided to keep it to herself, specially when they got married

"Why you never told me anything?" he asked and then said "you were keeping a lot to yourself for a long while"

"I respect relationships to much, im not selfish, stubborn neither evil enought to break a relationship" she stated

"Im really amased" he said and then asked "And curious, what do you like about me?"

"That's a tough question" she said and then awnsered the question "Well, at first i was attracted to you because you were - and still are- impulsive, your sense of humor" the shyness was present in her voice, she took another sip to the coffee

"Just that?"

"There's more" she said while putting the cup on the table, then she continued "That despite how live hits you, your heart is kind, humble, compassionete and caring. Unlike the rest of the jedi you're not afraid to show it"

"You really have a high conception of me" he said flattered

"I just happend to know you since you arrived to the temple" she replied then she said "I belive is your turn"

He started telling her that after the divorce with Padme, he was very hurt and that sadly it was the ending that both knew it would happend, Anakin said he was lucky to have her around to support him and take his mind of it, he couldnt imagene what would have happend if she wasnt around his darkest time.

"Well, it was the least i could do after you help to go througt my darkest hour" she said

They became closer after their personal crisis. Ever since Dooku and Hybrid killed Sidious the colateral damage to Zoey was to be marked as "the daugther of the dark lord" making some jedi be untrusting towards her while others knew that she wasnt like her father, the support she recived from the other jedi helped her but for her the support of Anakin was meaningful, otherwise the confusion and shame would have lead her to the dark side

She felt Anakin was a little insecure " What's wrong?" she asked

"If we start a relationship" he said and then asked fearful " You think it might end up good or bad?" The wound that Padme left was still fresh, it would take a time for it to close

"As jedi we wouldnt be the first ones to break the rules" said and then stated while holding his hand " And the future isnt certain, but if you ever think we're ready to start a relationship, i'll be here waiting"

After the talk and the coffee they night had fall, they went back to the temple just wondering to themselves if they would take that step, fate would play an important role on their lives once more.

Dooku decided to sent Draken and Asajj to Ord Ramana to look for an old mechanism that Exar Kun build and centuries later Malgus looked for without results, if found the separatist will be a steps close to win the war. Once they arrived to Ord Ramana with troops and the people of the planet asked for help, Yoda would sent Obi Wan, Anakin and Zoey for the task. This could mean one of the most significants fights for both sides on old sith territory.

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