Meeting Haechan

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"Taeyong, come on!" Cyana insisted, pulling the reluctant boy down the corridors.

"Cyana, we should be getting ready for practice -"

"It's okay," she waved off, "we still have time!"

"Why are we going there again?" Taeyong sighed, finally matching her pace as they turned a corner.

"I'm curious to see who is going to audition," Cyana shrugged. "Aren't you curious as well? What if you see someone you know from school?"

"I doubt that," Taeyong squirmed under her hold. "I don't really have much school friends..."

"Look! We're here!" Seeming to not hear his last comment, Cyana opened the door to the room that was full of young kids waiting to audition. The two trainees gawked at the sight.

"Wow," Taeyong murmured. "I forgot that lots of people come to audition."

"Come on," Cyana snuck inside the room, looking at the people curiously. "Let's make a friend."

"Cyana -"

"Come on, Taeyong, live a little!"

"No, I mean look out -!" But it was too late, and Cyana already walked into a person, sending the two of them to the ground. People nearby glanced at them momentarily before returning to their business. "Cyana!" Taeyong scolded, helping the young girl up. "I told you to be careful!"

"Are you okay?" Cyana ignored her friend, instead focussing on the young boy she bumped into. "I didn't mean to bump into you..."

"I-It's okay," the little boy replied, accepting the hand Cyana offered to bring him back to his feet. As soon as the two connected eyes, Cyana was smitten.

"Wow, you're cute," Cyana commented, Taeyong cringing in the background at her bluntness. "My name is Lee Cyana, what is your name?"

"Lee Donghyuck," he bowed at the two. "Are you here to audition?"

"Oh, no," Cyana shook her head, "We're already trainees."

"Really?" Donghyuck's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wow - actually, I can kind of see that."

"What do you mean?" Cyana tilted her head curiously at the young boy.

"I mean..." Donghyuck stared at the two older kids before him; they were side by side, and their looks really matched well with each other. Cyana had wide eyes that were beaming with kindness and innocence, whereas Taeyong's form was a bit guarded but still held a bit of softness. The two seemed really close since the two were almost touching, Taeyong almost looking like he was her protector or something. It was pretty cute. Doesn't mean Donghyuck wasn't scared of Taeyong though. "You guys just look like trainees," was all he replied with simply.

"Have you auditioned already?" Taeyong asked after introducing himself briefly. Donghyuck shook his head shyly. "You ready?"

"No," Donghyuck admitted, nerves finally coming into his system. "What if I don't make it?"

"It depends if you try or not," Cyana shrugged, Taeyong leaving their side to head to a water dispenser. "Don't let your nerves get in the way, just give it your best shot. That's what I did. Just imagine you're performing as if you're a star, and not think of it as an audition."

"Huh..." the older boy hummed. "That's pretty good advice."

"Thanks!" Cyana beamed, accepting the cup of water that Taeyong brought over. Donghyuck accepted the water, realising his hands were shaking still. The trainees noticed as well.

"You'll be fine," Taeyong encouraged. "Just give it your best shot. You'll pass, and then we'll see each other during training."

"Really?" Donghyuck looked to them hopefully. The two nodded.

"Just do your best," Cyana insisted, realising Donghyuck's number was being called. "Good luck!"

"We'll see you soon," Taeyong said his farewell, pulling a reluctant Cyana out of the room when he noticed Johnny peaking at the door, wanting their attention. Practice was starting soon.

Donghyuck watched them leave, a new determination going through his veins. He liked those two kids; they encouraged him and believed he would make it despite not knowing much about him or anything. They seemed really nice - even Taeyong who looked very intimidating.

His number was called again, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Okay," he whispered to himself, marching to the waiting staff. "Let's do it."



"Yes, Taeyong?"

"You spoke to him as if he was going to make it pass auditions," Taeyong watched for her reaction carefully. "People barely pass the weekend auditions."

"Then why did you say all those things to him, too?" Cyana countered. Taeyong could only give a weak shrug.

"I don't know..." he murmured. "I...I think he has potential."

"Same," Cyana agreed, "It's all in the eyes. He has the confidence and bravery to do anything if he sets his heart on it."

"How do you see that?" Taeyong asked her curiously as they continued to follow Johnny.

"I see a familiar look everyday," Cyana said mysteriously, giving him a gentle smile. They finally reached the practice rooms, having to part ways.

"What do you mean you see the look everyday?" Taeyong couldn't help but question, wanting to see if his thoughts were true.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," Cyana winked, walking away from him and Johnny.

"Hyung, did you understand?" Taeyong asked Johnny who had listened to the whole conversation.

"Maybe," Johnny smirked, walking into their practice room while singing a song in English. "Love is in the air ~"

"Yah, what are you talking about? I don't understand!"

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