Chapter 6

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After a few minutes of an irritated Morag explaining curtly to Hannah what a 'sex on the beach' drink actually was, Hannah reluctantly sat back down into her seat, but not before glaring indignantly at Blaise and sticking her tongue out at him.

Blaise just winked at her, clearly amused, and took a languid sip from his drink.

"Well now, since we're all finally here—"

"Where's Pansy?" Malfoy suddenly asked, cutting Blaise off and frowning at the other boy.

"Ah, yes. Pansy." Blaise winced and answered him with a noncommittal shrug. "I tried, Drac. I really did but when I went to her room to ask her again this morning, she just slammed the door in my face."

"Zabini, you told me everyone was coming." Malfoy hissed at him, gritting his teeth.

"No, I said everyone might be coming. There's a big difference Malfoy. You should have listened more carefully." Blaise corrected him, a shameless smirk on his face.

"You lying, son of a—"

"Anyway," Blaise ignored the rest of Malfoy's crude insult and deliberately looked away, turning his attention back to Aria. "Before you arrived, Potter, we were just talking about how everyone's first few weeks in Slytherin were. Remember, I am a prefect so you can tell me if you have any complaints about...certain people and all." He gave Aria a teasing grin before slanting his knowing gaze back to Draco.

Malfoy's eyes narrowed and he shot the dark-haired Slytherin an affronted look.

"What exactly are you implying, Zabini?"

"It was fine." Aria purposely avoided looking at Malfoy as she answered. "I'll admit, I'm still getting used to how you lot all seem so proper and disciplined compared to the Gryffindors but I do like the fact that the dungeons are much quieter than Gryffindor tower."

"Cleaner too." Neville chimed in with a grin, raising his bottle of beer at Aria in a gesture of agreement. "Back in Gryffindor, the house-elves assigned to regularly clean our dorms would sometimes burst out crying from exhaustion." He told them, wincing at the memory.

"You should see the Hufflepuff Common Room then." Smith snorted, leaning back against his seat and taking another sip from his beer. "Bloody chaos everywhere, you'd think a hurricane swept through the room. It was absolutely disgusting."

When Aria rewarded him with a curious look, Smith surprised her when he leaned across the table to offer her his hand.

"Oh that's right, we haven't properly caught up yet have we, Potter?" He said, waiting until Aria placed her gloved hand in his before he continued. "In any case, you can call me Zach. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I know who you are, Zach. You can call me Aria." Aria answered, giving his hand a firm shake before pulling away and winking at him. "We met back in fifth year during DA, remember?" She teased.

"I do remember." Zach admitted, his cheeks flushing slightly. "I just wasn't sure you did. I mean, there were a lot of us back then, I wouldn't blame you if you've forgotten everyone's names—"

"Of course I'd remember you, how could I forget? You were the one who kept hitting on Hermione. And you were the git who was particularly vocal about how much you disliked being taught by a girl." She retorted, causing the other Slytherin to visibly flinch at the memory.

"Oh yeah, that was him." Neville blurted out, his eyes widening with realization. "You were the pompous ass who spent those first few meetings trying to convince everyone that Aria was a fraud."

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