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In the old arcade all you could smell was sweat and hear fists colliding with leather. Kio stood on the platform bare fists hitting the pads her buzz wearing off.

The rectangular glass sat on the edge empty of the alcohol it held fifteen minutes prior.

She hadn't felt such consuming anger in a while. In the time she had been living more than she would ever admit.

But for those months she had been there with her makshift family. It had been under control.

Though this anger made her body shake this anger welled in the back of her throat like unshead tears.

This anger held memories. As she released them all at once she also felt her sadness crash against her like a bag of bricks.

Almost as if all the walls came tumbling down all at once. Her fists slowed and her body become weak until she was swiftly on the floor.

A bruise was left on her hip and all she saw were stars. So she laid there. For a few minutes hours she didn't know.

Then she got up. It wasn't so difficult after she went through this so many times. Grabbing her backpack off the hook she looked out of the door and left into the night.

The following days were filled with sadness as Powder had thrown a fit when she didn't come back.

That night or the night after or the night after. Vander was quiet those days. He didn't admit it but he was also worried.

Of course she had a life before them. But it was not normal for her to be gone so long.

Mylo and Claggor had secretly went looking for her but came up with nothing. Though Vi, Vi seemed fine.

Peachy even. This unsetlled Vander. The team didn't notice but he did. Then he heard of movement in Piltover.

Five citizens were killed in the last week. Kio had been gone for two. That also aligned with the seven murders in Zaun.

Vander heard they were contracted. So he left it alone. Though he knew a contract killer. One he wanted to find.


Kio laid on the rooftop her eye looking through the oh so familiar scope. This time her target was familiar.

Someone she knew. Not well but she knew her. Though this was her easiest kill.

The price on her head also made it a very easy kill. Kio smirked as she looked at the blonde through her scope.

She stood outside the last drop on her phone. Calling someone. Then she took it off her ear.

"Looks like this is your expiration date Trixi." Kio chuckled before pulling the trigger.

It was almost like it went slow as the bullet cleanly went through her brain. Trixi was dead.

Kio stayed put for a little while and watched as the door of the bar opened. Vander stood a blank look on his face.

He had seen death he had also seen jealousy and he was staring it right in the eyes.

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