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So... How long has it been, now? Three, four years? How did you guys like the story?

So, I did end it, yes. It's over. At that little happy part with the hat and boyfriend stuff and all that. But I wanted to ask you something. You, the readers.

Should I write another story?

If so, what should I make it? Another angsty Sherlock fanfiction? A less-angsty Sherlock fanfiction, which includes fluff, and perhaps smut? A fanfic for another fandom altogether? (I mean, I'm fuckin' trapped in the Supernatural fandom rn, I want to interact with the Sherlock fandom again, I like it.)

And, maybe, should I write more of this story? I mean, you guys seemed to like it. It's been a while since I really wrote anything, much less a Sherlock fanfic.

Anyways- tell me what you think, why dontcha? It's been quite a while, and I'd like to get back into writing

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