Pictures Of You<3

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The last week of school was spent with the both of you fighting back tears 24/7. You decided to still live together for the last week, since it wasn't that long. Daniel was going to take Sweep. Against your protests, Daniel let you sleep in the bed the whole week, while he took the sofa. That just showed how much you still cared about each other. To each of you, that week was worse than any amount of months you'd spent apart before; because this time, you were in each other's presence, hiding the feelings you each knew you still had for each other.

Graduation day came and then went; two days later, you and daniel and the boys and girls were staying your goodbyes. You hugged Ben and c
Chris first, both of who were secretly rooting for you and Daniel to get back together.

Then you walked up to daniel, "Well-" you started, but Daniel just pulled you into a tight hug. You relaxed, breathing in his scent; his arms around you, and hot breath against your neck. You were both fighting back tears. Right before letting go, Daniel whispered, "I miss you love." You squeezed him tighter, swallowing the lump in your throat, and then you release each other. You smiled, and quickly wiped your eyes, making sure there were no traces of tears; he nodded to you.

"Good luck girls, I know you guys are going to make it huge." Ben said, grinning at you and the girls. "Good luck to you too, even though you guys are already huge." Elise said, giggling. "You bet I'm huge." Ben responded, winking. Elise gasped and then blushed, as Ben smiled sheepishly. It was so obvious that they liked each other. Then they embraced, and Elise left a kiss on Ben's cheek; causing him to blush and her to giggle. Then she started crying as she walked back over to you, "God I'm going to miss them." "Me too." You said, the tears came then.

Pretty soon you and all the girls were crying, then guys came over and you all embraced in a big group hug. "Now we are the kids from yesterday." Chris said, smiling sadly. You nodded. "We've made it through so much. We'll find eachother when we need to." Ben added. "We'll Findaway." Daniel finished, smiling at you all.

*11 years later*

By this time, Silverchair had released three more albums; Neon Ballroom, Diorama, and Young and Modern. PosterFang had realesed four; Body for Body, Slammer, Oath of Love, and Bound To Break.

The year was now 2010.

"Hey mom?" Your 10 year old daughter, Art, asked while coming into the kitchen. "Yes?" You replied. "I was listening to the radio, and this really good song came on. It was called Freak, by um...Silverware? No..Silverhair....? Silverchair! Yea Silverchair, that was it." Art said. "You know just about every band, y'know them?" She asked. Your jaw dropped slightly, and your eyes teared up. "Mom? Are you ok?" She asked, concerned. You smiled and sniffled, "Yes honey, I'm fine. And to answer your original question, I do know them. Really well actually." "Really?" She questioned. "Yes really." You chuckled, "Here c'mon, I have something to show you." With that, she followed you into the small, two bedroom apartment. Now I guess you'd want a bit of context.

After leaving for your first tour, things got crazy. By crazy, I mean you ended up pregnant. Never have a one-night stands kids...especially when you forget the protection. Magazines were all over you, wondering who could've possibly knocked you up. Some even thought it was Daniel. Damn you hated the press. Really, it was just some random guy from a bar. Of course you never saw him again after that night, so you were left with Art all alone; well, besides the girls. They were there to help you through every step of the way, and you were eternally greatful for them. Art practically had three aunts, thats what they were to her. But Robin was always so bitter, honestly you and Jackie and Elise had considered kicking her from the band several times.

You wanted to name your daughter after a singer who really inspired your singing style; one who you adored: Art Alexakis, singer of Everclear. You and Art had even been to their concert several times, and met them. Alexakis was honored you named your daughter after him, and had he not been married; well, I think there could've been something there. Now about the house; you had plenty of money from PosterFang to buy a huge house...but since it was only you and Art, you saw no sense in it.

But now, you were digging around under your bed, about to show Art something very special to you. You pulled out a box, about the size of two shoe boxes. You dusted it off as you both sat on your bed, then, you open it. Art gasped, "Is that?" "Yes." You replied, chuckling, "That's me, Ben, Chris....and Daniel; the members of Silverchair." "You knew them??" She asked, amazed. "Yup. From the time we were about 14 to graduation. We grew up together...those were the best days of my life." Art was still looking at you in awe. You pulled out the stack of polaroids, and let her look through them. "Wow." Was all she could say. You walked to your radio and turned on Pictures Of You by The Cure. Art looked up at you and smiled, you both loved The Cure. "These pictures of you..." She whisper-sang, while looking through the stack.

There were pictures of you and the boys at birthday parties, the beach, getting ice cream, and even one of you kissing Daniel's cheek...and plenty more. "Daniel's cute." She giggled. "I thought so too." You replied, smiling sadly. "What happened?" She asked, the smile leaving her face. You explained it to her, every little detail you told her. She knew more than the girls did now. " you had sex with Daniel?? And several times too!?" She asked, her mouth agape. "Is that all you got from that?" You asked, amused, as you sniffled and wiped your eyes. "No," she giggled, "I was just trying to lighten the mood." She then looked you straight in the eyes and asked, "Do you miss him?" You sighed, looking down at your hands, "Everyday." You answered, sadly. "You guys will come together somehow, I know it." She smiled. You were doubtful, but her hope on the matter made you feel good.

The Smashing Pumpkins' 1979 came on, so you dried your tears, grabbed Art's hands, and danced around the room, "Morphine, city slippin' dues down to see." You sang. "That we don'teven care, as restless as we are." Art continued. You laughed and walked back to the open box on your bed. You pulled out your specially signed copies of Frogstomp and Freak Show...the only two the guys ever gave you, and handed them to Art. "Here, I want you to have these." You told her. Her eyes went wide as she took them, "Wait no I can't. Are you sure?" She asked, still surprised. "Yes, I'm sure." You smiled, "Keep them safe ok?" "I will, I promise! Thank you!" She exclaimed, smiling and giving you a big hug.

A/N: 1235 words!^^ Thank y'all sm for reading:) I really hope you liked this chapter!:D
I got my learner's permit today^^
QOTD: What's your favorite book? (If u like to read.) Mine is probably The Outsiders or See Jane Run:)
I love you all, thanks for your continuous support and patience! Baii<333

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