~Chapter One~

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(Picture above is Elaine)

     I was sitting on my bed, contemplating for the 50th time, why I had agreed to it, when my phone rang

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     I was sitting on my bed, contemplating for the 50th time, why I had agreed to it, when my phone rang.

     "What's up bestie? You ready to go?"

     "Yeah. I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

     Anthony has decided that it would be a good idea to take me to the beach and make me go swimming. He knows that I hate the ocean purely because of the animals that are just waiting to kill me. I know that sounds childish and sad, but I'm the one still alive and breathing.

     I promised Anthony that I would go though. He begged and begged and I finally gave in. The truth? I've been in love with him sine we were 10 and we're currently 17. We met in kindergarten, when we were 5. I was born in July and he was born in June. Meaning, we almost always had birthday parties together from the time we turned 7, all the way up until now. He's with Katie though.

     Katie takes any opportunity that she can to prove that she's much better and prettier and smarter than me. Even though I'm the one with straight A's and blondie has straight C's. Like no joke. I'm in honors classes and she's not. That's the only thing I have to boast about when it comes to Katie Smith though. She's way prettier, way more popular, and she's got everyone wrapped around her little finger. Including Anthony. Of course, she always acts buddy, buddy with me around him, she's a true snake when we get any alone time. Even if he's just running to the bathroom, or going to get snacks, she's got some snide comment to make.

     I could never tell him that she does these things though. He would be so hurt. And honestly, I don't think he would believe me. He really, really likes her, as he constantly reminds me.

     So, I'm stuck as the girl best friend. Doomed to pick out presents endlessly that will never be for me.

     "Elaine, Anthony is downstairs for you!" I sighed and trotted downstairs slowly.

     "Hey Anthony." I smile as soon as I see him. He looks really cute with his cap on and his swim trunks. He's best friends with the water and is down there anytime he gets the chance.

     "Hey Elaine. We better hurry, Katie's in the car and she's excited for the beach today." I inwardly sighed.

     That's just great. Another day of torture.

     I walked out of the door and got in the backseat of Anthony's car, while he got in the front. Of course, Katie had to make it known that Anthony was all hers so she leaned over and started making out with him right in front of me.

     Katie, of course, knows that I'm in love with him. She's known from the very beginning of her's and Anthony's relationship. They started dating about a year ago and I didn't mind at first, he seemed happy. But she slowly started showing her true colors.

     I cleared my throat and Anthony turned to look at me, seeming to have forgot that I was in here.

     Of course he forgot I was in here. He always did that when Katie was around. So maybe I'm a little jealous, but he doesn't have to know that. I already know what today is going to consist of, and if it keeps up, I WILL be walking home.

     We soon arrived at the beach and we all got out. We then walked onto the beach so that we could pick a spot to set the blanket and towel down. The blanket was more for Katie than anyone else since she didn't like getting her precious hair wet, go figures.

     "Okay. Everything is set up. Come on Elaine." Anthony smiled at me evil like. I groaned in response.

     He dragged me to the water and the whole time I was trying to pull away, but he wasn't having it. Soon, before I knew it, I was thrown in the water.

     "No. I don't want to die." I was genuinely freaking out. I said it was a fear and I was so serious. Jellyfish, sharks, everything in between. And I wanted nothing to do with it.

     "Woah, woah hey. It's okay." I started crying. I actually started crying, what the heck?

     Once I started crying, I couldn't stop. I was actually TERRIFIED of the ocean. Wow. I didn't know it was this bad.

     "Please stop crying. Come on, let's get out of the water." Lightning fast, Anthony pulled me out of the water.

     He carried me, bridal style back to the spot we picked out on the beach. He put me down and handed me a towel. My crying began to stop and my breathing started going normal again.

     "I'll be back, I'm going to swim some more." Oh no. Please don't leave me here with her. Then again, I don't really have choice since I can't even get in the water.

     As soon as Anthony was out of sight, Katie turned to me with a look of utter distaste on her face.

     "You can't even get in the water? How pathetic you low life." See what I mean? She even starts laughing. She's truly evil. I typically don't say anything back to her, considering that she might go crying to Anthony.

     "You know what's pathetic Katie? What's pathetic is that you won't get in the water because you don't want to get your PRECIOUS hair wet. That's what's pathetic. What's even more pathetic is that you have to bring me down because you are insecure about yourself." With that, I got up and put my clothes back on while Katie sat there in shock.

     I started walking back towards my house, which was a 10 minute walk from here. I didn't care though, anything to get away from Katie and her devilish comments.

     Not 2 minutes later, I was getting a call from Anthony.

     "Where are you Elaine?" He seemed genuinely concerned about me. But I wasn't going back even if he paid me.

     "I'm walking home." I really wanted to add about how Katie treated me, but I left it at that, hoping that he wouldn't question it.

     "Why?" I was hoping that he wouldn't ask me that question.

     "I'm just ready to go home." We both know it's not the truth.

     "Elaine. We both know that's-" I hung the phone up before he could finish. I know he'll probably be coming to my house very soon.

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