~Chapter Two~

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(Picture above is Anthony)

     I sighed in frustration when Elaine hung the phone up

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     I sighed in frustration when Elaine hung the phone up. I wonder why she would leave like that? It's not like her to leave so suddenly like that. So there had to be a reason for it.

     "Do you know why Elaine left like that?" I turned to Katie, a puzzled look on my face.

     Katie started crying and sniffling.

     "I don't know. But right before she left, she said some really mean things to me. She told me that she was trying to steal you away from me and that I would regret ever breathing or something along those lines. She also told me that she's knows I'm just jealous that she's prettier and smarter than me." She continued to sob and I went to sit next to her, wrapping my arms around her while she sat there crying.

     Why would Elaine say those things to her. I'm going to get to the bottom of this now. Me and Katie picked all the stuff up and carried it to my car. I drove to Katie's house after that and dropped her off, promising to call her as soon as I'd talked to Elaine. She gave me a sad smile and we kissed good-bye.

     As soon as I arrived at Elaine's door, I had come to the conclusion that it was all one big misunderstanding and maybe Elaine didn't mean it and was just mad. I knocked on the door, surprised when I saw Elaine instead of her mom. As soon as she saw me though, she went to close the door.

     "Nope. You can't avoid this conversation Elaine. We need to talk." It came out a lot more harsh than I meant for it to. But this was my girlfriend we were talking about.

     "Ok. Whatever." She was never this cold to me.

     I walked inside and we both sat in the kitchen. She completely avoided my eye contact and I tried so desperately to reason with myself as to why Elaine would say those things to Katie.

     "Why did you say those things to Katie?" It came out before I could think and Elaine looked up at me confused.

     If I was being quite honest, before Katie came along, I had the biggest crush on Elaine. She was the sweetest, most caring person I had ever met. That is, until Katie came around. Don't get me wrong, Elaine is still really sweet and caring and pretty. But Katie, well she was Katie. Sure, she wasn't perfect and she was mean a bit. But she was nice to Elaine and that's all that mattered.

     "I wasn't mean to her Anthony. Well I was. But she was mean to me first." She started telling me about what went down and I sat there in disbelief. There's no way Katie would say those things to Elaine.

     "That's not true. You know it isn't. Were you delusional at the time?" She looked at me with a hurt expression. Maybe she's telling the truth? No. I can't doubt my girlfriend.

     "Yes it is Anthony. Why don't you believe me?" She started crying again. Wow. What a crybaby. I would feel bad for her if it weren't for Katie's expression earlier.

     "Whatever. I'm done being friends with you until you wake up and stop accusing me girlfriend of being a jerk." I walked out, not letting Elaine retaliate. I can't believe she lied to me. I would have been less mad if she hadn't.

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