UPDATE / contest info!

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Hello my wonderful readers! I would like to start out by saying that I appreciate every last one of you. Even if you happen to be one of my silent readers. :) Everyone last one of you matter to me. This is why I've decided to do a something special for anyone who wants to opportunity.

This particular drawing will be for my future book. I will begin to write a new book soon and I would like to give one lucky follower the chance to read each chapter as soon as I get done writing it. I will send it to you once I'm finished with it, and you are more than welcome to give me feedback or to tell me things that would make it even better. Or even tell me ideas you have for the chapters coming up!

So this is how the drawing is going to work.
Step 1 - You must follow me in order to even be considered for this particular contest.
Step 2 - You have to either message me privately or use my comments on my profile to inform me that you would like to be part of this drawing.

That is all the steps required to be put in the drawing. You have until July 14, 2023 the message me. I will be doing the drawing on July 15, 2023.

If you have any other questions, please leave them in the comments.

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