The secret order

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Summer, 1562
Richmond Castle, London.
There was a knock on the door, I gave permission to enter. It was a servant, Bedford.
He was tall, broad-shouldered, bald with large, lively brown eyes.
He brought me tea.
In my daily routine, this was the only pleasant procedure that calmed me down and allowed me to structure my chaotic thoughts.
The steam of the tea rose slowly upward.
I bent down to the cup as soon as the servant left. In the dark boiling water, I could see the comfort of the night, steam gently enveloped my eyes. It was such bliss to feel this warmth. Leaving the cup for a few seconds, I touched the sweets near the cup, looked at the cut pear filled with honey: it reflected the rays of the morning sun.
It seemed like a fun game. For a while, the taste of honey, tea, and pear made me feel the coziness of a parental castle when there was no need to think or plan, but just relax and go with the flow.
This went on for a while, I slowly enjoyed sweets and tea.
I mentally set myself up to approach the table with correspondence.
It was full of spread letters, denunciations, and prepared orders.
It was all necessary to read, delve into the details in order to understand how to proceed further. This concerned denunciations most of all.
The country was on the brink of a civil war. Spain supports the conspirators with a coin.
How tired it all ...
They knocked in the hall again. Bedford said that the Russian embassy had arrived.
I began to think about Chancellor's team, which left for this unknown country about a year and a half ago. Little news came from him, and the rare letters I received were very vaunted. How could all this be out of place? Here it would be to save the country, and I accept these northern savages.
Okay, let's see what they are.
I ordered to invite them to the official hall, as well as set the table, and I myself returned to the table with sweets.

10 people entered. Ambassador and his retinue.
All were as if on a selection. Only two of them stood out, they were wearing black caftans instead of red ones. I immediately realized that this was a sectarian order. In England, we also celebrated such servants with special clothing.
The official part has begun:
Long phrases, bows, tributes, and gifts.
Fur and furs came in handy.
For this product, you could have had good gains. I had no intention of letting this goods stay in the castle.
We needed a liquid coin.
This whole action lasted about 3 hours. We even reached a trade agreement, which, in principle, was not that difficult: the country was not a neighbor, the country had no competitors' goods, so we agreed on duty-free trade.
The official part was about two o'clock. How boring and trite it all was. Alexander, who translated the ambassador and was one of the sectarian orders, seemed especially suspicious to me, he spoke Latin with a Spanish accent. And if you compare his age and appearance with the age and appearance of other Russians, then he looked completely different: he was tall, thin, and very nimble. There was no doubt that he was a Spaniard or a half-breed, but how did this man end up in the service of the Tsar of Russia?
It seemed somehow implausible: Spain and Russia were so far from each other that it is unlikely that somehow this Spaniard just ended up with Ivan.
I will ask you to establish surveillance for him.
At the end of the day, a second servant of the secret order came up to me. He looked very young, about 17-18 years old, although he was very smart. His name was Nikolai. His blue eyes resembled the sky and were innocence itself. He came up to me and asked to contact me.
- Your Highness, I have been ordered to give you a letter from my Sovereign personally. He instructed me to get the answer from you personally.
I thanked the young man and took the letter.
The reception time was drawing to a close, I said goodbye to the embassy, ​​and I promised to give Nikolai a letter in response in the coming days.
I opened a package from Russia.
The following was written in fluffy handwriting:
"Good health, Elizabeth! I know that this format of communication will be slow and a little strange, but this way we can get to know each other a little better. My country may seem outlandish to you, like yours to me, but reading these lines, from now on you can be sure that my homeland can also become yours. Think about it. I will be glad to get to know you better. Your friend,
Ivan "
What a strange letter for the tsar.
It looked more like a letter from a mature, lonely sea wolf rather than from a crown holder.
Loneliness, compassion, and friendliness were also felt in the words of the letter.
I began to recognize a kindred spirit in this sovereign.
I wanted to cry and tell him all my worries and fears.
Ask for advice, decisions, and not only in state affairs.
For several years now, I have toiled with my feelings: two men were to blame. They were equally interesting. Each in its own way.
The first is my childhood friend Robert Dudley, who grew up and became a military man. It was safe and comfortable with him, you could vouch for him in state affairs and ask for advice. But sometimes he got bored with him, and this was probably the main obstacle to our marriage. Even the synod of the church wanted to marry us, despite the difference in origin. Everything was as opportune as possible. But this feeling of homeliness repulsed me in a strange way.
The second was Francis Drake.
He was a man with only faults. From constant sprees and fights to risky adventures. But his dashing luck and recklessness attracted me. It was fun with him, and every time I was waiting for his short and humorous letters from different parts of the world. During our personal meetings, this troublemaker constantly taught me fencing, then to shoot from different weapons. Several times we even tried to open fire from the guns on one of his frigates. These are the dates we had. Constant and frantic movement, fun and adventurous risk. He taught me to change my appearance beyond recognition, and it helped me a lot to understand what was happening in the country: I often organized outings disguised as a man and, accompanied by secret guards or Francis himself, visited different parts of London, as well as other counties.
It was both fun and risky at the same time.
My train of thought and recollection was interrupted by Bradford:
- Madam, I received a report that Ser Robert Dudley asked your maid of honor for the hand and heart ...
Then I did not hear him. I was overwhelmed by a wave of contradictory feelings: resentment, regret, envy, apathy ...
All this together somehow passed from one feeling to another and came back. It became very difficult.
A little later I came to my senses. It was necessary to resolve state issues. Then the letter of the Russian tsar caught my eye again.
A stream of thoughts was spinning in my head, and for some reason, a clear desire came to mind to leave the reins of government for some 5 months and go to this wild country. The rational mind tried to throw these thoughts away, but it was in vain. The soul for some reason returned this idea over and over again.
I decided to make my decision the next morning. This day was full of emotions and impressions, it was necessary to cool down.
The night passed, but nothing changed. I still have a strong desire to go to Russia.
So I decided to act.
I had to assign a lot of rights to the same Dudley and other advisors. Then I had to think over a disguise.
It's good that Drake was in town, I called him for advice on the upcoming journey. It was necessary to think over everything, up to a small guard for escort.
Between all these questions and deeds, I wrote an answer to the Russian sovereign. The idea was to send a messenger with a letter of thanks and beat the Spanish spies out of the way. The worst thing that this could happen is that the messenger could be intercepted and the letter would not have reached or would have arrived in a distorted form. But in the finale, I would appear in his yard, with his invitation letter in hand.
Drake was delighted to hear my plan.
"Finally, my queen is going on a really risky adventure. Dudley would never have dared to do that, "Drake said sarcastically." I will do my best. I have a detachment of dashing but very loyal people who have recently arrived, who taught me the craft in my youth, I will follow you with them, and in case of fuss, I will come to the rescue.
On that and decided.
I sent for Nikolai and personally gave him my letter to Ivan, I also said that my subject servant Quinnbes, that is, the disguised me, would accompany him on the road.
After spending another week in preparations, and additional guarantees to advisers, I was ready for a long journey.
Having changed my clothes and made an additional disguise, I went out through the back exit and went to the harbor to the merchant ship in which the departure was planned. The Russian embassy still remained for a month to conclude trade agreements with our merchants and nobility.
On deck, I was met by the ship's captain, a Danish national.
He took me to the cabin and showed me where Nikolai was.
Having settled down and laid out my belongings, I went to the Russian's cabin.
The door opened and Nikolai stepped out onto the threshold.
- Lord Quinnbes at your service, - I greeted, - sent to you to accompany the correspondence to your sovereign.
Nikolai presented himself and thanked him.
- Davan to drink tea - I suggested.
But Nikolai looked worried
- My master, Alexander, had not yet arrived, had not seen him since yesterday evening, and after a quarter of an hour, the ship was leaving. This is strange. What happened.
I remembered this non-Russian.
I tried to ask Nikolai about him, but he brought the conversation to other topics and I realized that I would not achieve a greater understanding of who this person was. In my gut, I sensed something wrong but decided to calm myself. And everything seemed to be calm.
We reached Copenhagen very quickly. We were accompanied by the wind. The weather was very nice. For the second week.
Trouble began when our ship left Copenhagen.
A day later, the Spanish Galleon appeared on the horizon. Our captain tried to organize the defense, even realizing the futility of this effort. It was clear that we would be attacked.
And the most interesting thing is that they will be taken for boarding, this thing was understood only by me. Therefore, I had to tinker a lot in order to blare the door: in general confusion, I took out a couple of barrels of gunpowder and several types of firearms. And the appearance of the first military on the ship, I was fully armed.
The most interesting thing is that they remembered about me at the very last moment when the shots and the sound of sabers died down on the ship. They started pounding at the door, even punched holes, but when they saw me with a wick in one hand and candles in the other, as well as 3 barrels of gunpowder at the door, the envoys began to talk to me.
- Surrender, my lord, your Russian friend is now hauled up on deck: he ate the queen's letter. Now it's your turn, to tell the truth, for what purpose you are going to Russia. Or you'll burn in hell.
- I will burn and take you all with me.
- Don't be silly, my lord, there is no time for that ...
Suddenly shouts and shots were heard on the deck.
- From the infection, again, not up to you ... We'll be back ... - and the voices of parliamentarians disappeared.
I nervously awaited my fate, recalling the bright moments of my life, sometimes switching my attention to the barrels of gunpowder, then to the wick, then to the pistol.
An hour later, the shots and screams on the deck ceased.
Suddenly, Drake's head stuck out from the hole in the door with an obscene smile:
- Quinnbes, friend, we are waiting for you in our little ear, there are few amenities, but the company will be cheerful and we will quickly get to Tsar Ivan, and it's safer, the Spaniards will not think of looking the queen's messengers onboard the Baltic pirates.
- Son of a bitch! - I shouted and laughing with relief I began to dismantle the barricade.
Once on deck, I said goodbye to the command of the merchant ship and boarded a smaller ship of a rather strange design. It was rather small but overly practical.
Nikolai was already there. He told me that his master, Alexander, turned out to be a traitor and passed information about the merchant ship to his fellow countrymen, having sailed with them to find out information about the letter. But Nikolai did not say anything about the fact that he ate the letter.
The Ushkuya team turned out to be cheerful and very talkative, a couple of people knew Latin, some of the other team spoke either broken Swedish or even English. It was fun to listen to this whole bunch of languages.
From the scars, it was clear that these people were dashing and experienced.
- We are from Novgorod, - there used to be a lot of foreigners - said Sergius - the captain of the ship - therefore, little by little we learned different languages.
Fedor - he poked his finger at Drake - he accidentally came to us as a youngster, also from a merchant ship, and stayed with us for a couple of years. He has thoroughly learned our maritime craft. And now he invited us to his navy. By the way, the work is very calm.
We chatted days and nights for the flight, and the remaining two weeks passed by not noticeably, which seemed to be one day as we landed on the Russian coast.
Nikolai organized horses in the pit service on the shore. Drake decided to accompany me alone.
- My friends have not been able to enter the royal land for several years. They are illegal.
I knew I could be safe with him.
The road to the capital swam for me not noticeably. Was given fatigue and excitement of the sea voyage.
I slept most of the time.
For some reason, I dreamed about Dudley all the time. I really wanted comfort, a fireplace, warm tea, and his hugs. I was already beginning to be disappointed in my decision to go here.
-Robert, Robert- I said in a dream.
-Robert married my lord- through a dream, I heard Drake's hoarse voice.
-It's time to get ready for the exit, now we will enter the capital.
The capital struck me with its originality.
It was a different kind of beauty.
Many wooden houses, churches, everything was different, not like in London.
Drake began to change into a red caftan, and among his clothes, I saw the black caftan of the secret order. He was clearly not Nikolai's size.
- Where did it come from?
- A modest alms from the brotherly people. - Drake grinned, but honestly, while you were sleeping, Nikolai's master attacked us, and we had to suffer pretty much to punish the Spaniard and let him walk naked through the forest alone without his retinue.
We drove up to the Kremlin.
By order of Nicholas, we were quickly escorted inside, and after a couple of minutes we entered the Tsar's reception room. Before me stood a tall man with a huge nose and sharp eyes.
He greeted us in Latin, said welcome, and then turned to Nikolai.
I saw that Nikolai crumpled and realized that this was a question of the letter.
Then I entered into a conversation, it was time to open the cards.
- Ivan, let me introduce myself - I said - Elizabeth - and I began to carefully remove the mustache and beard.
- What miracles! - Ivan was surprised - indeed. Not a day, but some kind of nativity scene: the Geshpan sold me to the Geshpan, Nikolai ate your letter, Your Highness wears a beard and mustache.
Suddenly the king's gaze fell on Drake.
- Oh, you are a ushkuynik!*(*-> type of Russian pirate) he shouted, grabbed the halberd from his guard, and chased after Drake. Drake was already at a safe distance and drew his saber.
- What does this all mean ?! Let's explain!
- Lady - sins of youth, Drake said with a smile.
- That's exactly what sins - Ivan parted - you ushkuinik, robbed my ship, and left me with my captain on the water naked in the boat.
"Francis, what is it? Was it real?" And what is the mania for leaving the enemy naked?
- Madam, this is the pirate's golden rule - a shaved client will return with a profit. And for you, my lord, he turned to the king, I advise you not to get excited, I have such a job. And your subject, a German by nationality, is also a pirate. So please excuse me and not hold my anger.
Ivan sniffed a little more and invited everyone to the table.
There were many interesting foods. We ate, the tsar released Nicholas and thanked him for his service.
I gave free rein to Drake and he left.
We were left alone.
- Let's drink tea Ivan.
"What is it?" He looked at me in surprise.
- Ask to bring boiling water, honey, and sweets. And also a couple of vessels - in the meantime, I pulled out a pouch and the aroma spread around us.
- The potion smells good, Ivan grinned.
They brought boiling water and I made tea.
Ivan liked this drink.
We talked a little about politics.
It turned out that he also thought to retire and take refuge in England.
- I feel that this is our fate, the monarch is constantly under oppression and fear. And I also want to hide somewhere like this for ten years. My personal life does not add up, I can't decide who to marry, and while I was pondering one had already married my maid of honor, and the second had an adventure.
- Is the second one a ushkuynik?
- yes - I said
- And is the ushkuynik the opposite of the one who married the maid of honor? Homemaker? Am I right?
- Yes.
"Elizabeth, none of these will suit you. I don't know if I can explain it, but this is my experience. One needs a will. The second needs a maid. You need a king. And I would even agree to help you with my candidacy. But I see that you are even less interested in me as a soul mate. And I see that you value my advice more as a friend. Therefore, I would advise you to focus more on yourself. Avoid mental waste and stay away from discouragement. This way you can live a healthy, joyful life. And so my doors are always open for you and I will always consider the possibility of marriage, whether I am married or not, both to strengthen the state and for my own benefits.
We talked for a long time. Later we went for a drive around Moscow. So I stayed in the capital of Russia for a week.
Then I decided to return home.
This trip gave me a break from the hustle and bustle of state intrigue and the opportunity to live Drake's life.
I realized for myself that I need such relaxation only sporadically and that I cannot carry it out all the time.
I realized that Drake is just another friend for me, like Dudley, as well as Ivan, by the way.
The road back was fast and calm. During the month of my absence, nothing significant happened, and I slowly merged back into the cycle of state affairs.
Three months later, Nikolai again came to me with a letter from Ivan.
This time the message was less philosophical and more fun.
So we started a long correspondence. I became an unwitting witness to the changes both in the life of Russia and in Ivan himself. So the years passed. A couple of months ago, he sent an embassy with a proposal to marry my niece Maria Hastings. And I gladly gave my blessing for this.
The preparations for her departure were rather quicker, and I wanted to see my old acquaintance again. Therefore, by the way, Dudley and Drake were at my disposal.
Also, Nikolai arrived with the embassy, ​​who has matured pretty much over the years and learned English. The company gathered on the journey merry.
Early in the morning, I checked my disguise and things one more time, and then quietly left the palace through one of the back doors.
The way to the port took about an hour and a half.
Upon arrival on the ship, I already saw Maria with a face full of excitement, and her entourage.
Going down to the company cabin, I met Nikolai and the ambassador. They drank tea. Nikolai broke into a smile.
"I invite you to tea, my lord," said the ambassador. - it was an obese and tall man of about fifty.
- taste our sweets ... - With pleasure!
We chatted about nothing. Either about hunting, now about the weather, now about the kitchen.
I was already beginning to skip phrases from the conversation of both the ambassador and Nikolai.
Suddenly the captain entered, he entered without knocking.
- Allow me to report, urgent report: the tsar father introduced himself ...
I could not believe my ears, how ?!
I will never see my bosom friend again, and I will never receive another letter from him.
I no longer heard the words of the ambassador or the words of the captain. Everything floated before my eyes. I went up to the deck and went down to the shore.
Thoughts spun in my head mixed with memories.
Suddenly someone took me by the shoulder, I bared a dagger and looked around.
On the left side was the face of a Spaniard who once served Ivan. During this time, he has grown quite old and fat.
- What do you want? - I shouted and prepared to fight back.
- This is for you - he handed me a letter.
I eagerly tore open the seal on the package.
"Elizabeth, perhaps when you read this letter I am no longer gone. I ask you to honor my memory with a cup of vodka and a piece of bread in the Volga tavern. My servant will take you there."
I looked at the Spaniard. He looked at me with indifference. Something was wrong here.
Suddenly, a familiar hoarse voice full of sarcasm was heard from behind.
- Oh, you coyote. Did he run around Russia a little naked ?! - It was Drake, he had a pistol in his hands
- Please, sir. I had already retired for ten years and hung my spy saber at home in a barn on a nail. If you are concerned about the safety of the queen, you can bring security with you. Your Highness, if you please follow me.
- Let's go Drake, let's remember Ivan. And we all three moved into the depths of London.
The tavern was noisy and crowded, the Spaniard placed us at one of the central tables.
- Now they will bring you vodka and bread - this is a Russian custom.
After 5 minutes, a servant came up and set the bowls of vodka, covering each with a slice of bread.
My eyes filled with tears. It became sad. I looked at Drake. He somehow also looked down at the table.
"He was a brave man," he said.
We were silent for a while.
I was the first to take a bowl of vodka.
- Oh, you ushkuinik !!! - suddenly a harsh and rather familiar voice rang out, and the long hand of the servant who brought us vodka lifted Drake by the collar from the table with unprecedented ease.
I finally noticed the face of the tavern servant: it was Ivan. Only with a shaved face.
- Ivan, stop it, that's enough! What's happening?! We remember you here !!
Ivan was irritated for another two minutes, then sat down at the table and asked another servant to bring wine.
- Gentlemen, for now, remember the past, that is, Ivan 4, as he is called by the people of Terrible. And after that, I will tell you about the past and about the present, not the king, but the subject of Her Majesty John Horribs.
Drake drained the bowl to the bottom and sniffed the bread.
"That's what we did with the New Town pirates," he said.
I repeated this ritual.
- You know our customs well, ushkuynik. - Ivan said. So, for about ten years I had two doubles. One was killed about five years ago. The second month ago he died of a strange illness. Then I finally decided to leave my homeland. I had to pretty much shake the treasury piggy bank in order to be able to think about what to do next. This is the product of my thoughts, this tavern. It was made by my Spaniard according to my plan. He also arranged the documents for me, bribery is also bribery in England.

Alcohol cheered me up and untied my tongue:
- So what's next?
- Not decided yet. I enjoy the opportunity to get plenty of sleep and finally start reading the Roman philosophers.
- And I have a business proposal for Mr. John: Caribbean America, you can organize an expedition there and get excellent interest .. - said Drake
- Expedition? What a beautiful word! - It can be easier to say: buy a frigate for Ushkuy piracy. Not yet, I am out.
- Enough, Drake! Ivan, I am glad to see you in my country. I will be glad to meet with you more often. I have enough emotions today - I'm back to the castle, to rest. - I got up and went outside to look for a carriage to the castle.
The night until noon, I slept like a dead man.
After breakfast, I went to my secret office, where I was always alone. I should have thought about what happened yesterday.
As soon as I opened it, I saw Ivan sitting at the table with a pile of papers, Drake snoring in the chair opposite to Ivan's.
- Good morning, madam, he said, we were counting the whole night with the earflap, that's why he is sleeping now. Expedition to the Caribbean is a profitable idea ...
- Drake !!!! - I got hysterical from this extravagance of two men. - The back door was allowed only for you !!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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