Act 1

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Before anyone could leave Superman's face showed up on the screen. 

Superman: Superman to Justice League there's been an explosion at Cadmus and it's caught on fire

Batman: I've had my suspicions about Cadmus this might be the perfect opportunity to-

Before Batman could continue he is cut of by Zatara also appearing on the screen.

Zatara: Zatara to Justice League the sorcerer Wotan is using the amulet of Attan to block out the sun I'm requesting full League response

Batman understanding things questioned Superman only needing one word for it to be understood. 

Batman: Superman?

Superman: it's a small fire local authorities have it under control

Y/N: *intresting why would it need to be reported anyway I'm getting a bad feeling*

Joseph: *no idea it's a bit much for me and same something bad is going to happen*

Jonathan: *really both of obviously he want's to investigate after all isn't owned by Lex Luther or that he's one of the providers*

Y/N: *good point*

Batman: then Cadmus can wait 

Batman activates open coms for all available league member's.

Batman: all Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates Batman out

Batman turned of the screen and turned to face us.

Batman: stay here

Robin voiced what he was feeling about it to him.

Robin: what? Why?

Aquaman: this is a League mission

Flash: you're not trained 

Kid Flash: since when 

Wonder Woman: he meant not trained to work as part of the Justice League or a team with more than your mentor and occasionally someone else

Batman: so for now stay put

Green Arrow then whispered to Martian Manhunter.

Green Arrow: glad you didn't bring you know who

Martian Manhunter: indeed 

All of the Leaguers then left for the mission.

Y/N: *it's understandable but I still have a really bad feeling about something*

Kid Flash: when we're ready, how can we ever be ready when they treat us like   sidekicks

Kid flash let's out his rage.

Aqualad: my king I thought he trusted me

Kid Flash: trust us, they don't even trust us with the basics they've got a secret HQ in space

Aqualad: what else aren't they telling us 

Aqualad voices out causing everyone to think about it.

Robin: I have a better question 

Everyone looks at him.

Robin: why didn't we leave with Speedy

You decide to act on the bad feeling and grab your phone from the ground letting a smile cross your face seeing nothing now on it. You activate Hermit Purple only to see a group of people around your house as they seamed to move in on it.

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