[6] Secondary School?!

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Gasped out his final breath before laying on the ground after unfortunately dying... (CHECK OUT DA PREVIOUS CHAPTR 2 SEE HOW HE DIED!!! PLZ >_<) After this MacE After this Xander sobbed out in pain and disdain for the world and how cruel the tornado was... Surely this wouldn't have happened if it'd been a normal school day and the tornado hadn't ravaged the county Carlow, which is in Ireland, which is in Europe. He anxiously tugged at his licey and greasy head, his fingers slipping out due to the amount of grease and some of the lice, but not all, crawling out onto his hands.

"We'll never know what Master Mickey wanted to change about Mister Gouhree..." Xander sobbed greasily, collapsing into a heap on the ground. As he did this, he collapsed into a heap on the ground. Mrs. Murphy's ears, they, well... I really shouldn't tell you... Anyways, Mrs. Murphy's ears... did that... as she realized that she could just find out for herself! She rushed over to grab Xanax BY the shoulders, shaking him aggressively up and down as he made rattling sounds. "Then let's find out ourselves! Let's go to her office! If the fate of Scoil Mhuire St. Leos Tyndall Prez Scoil Mhuire Gaelscoil CBS Bishop Foleys St. Leos Tyndall Prez Gaelscoil CBS Bishop Foleys is up to me, me says we go! Now!" Mrs. Foley cried, jumpjng for joy.

Xander bodded in agreement as he nodded, headbanging aggressively

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Xander bodded in agreement as he nodded, headbanging aggressively. He was a sopping wet beast but he went along with it anyway, knowing the familiar halls of  Scoil Mhuire St. Leos Tyndall Prez Scoil Mhuire Gaelscoil CBS Bishop Foleys St. Leos Tyndall Prez Gaelscoil CBS Bishop Foleys would dry him off straight away. As his wet body and body dragged him down, he sighed boobifully. "Come on, Xanny, we're going to Ms. Laihamungyeurophiesaurus' office, nya!" Mrs. Murphy cheered, skipping happily. GRRRR.... Anyways, the two of them traversed to Ms. Gurry's office in silence from then on.

Ms. Gurry was actualyl 9n the sfaff room. She lauffed gleefuly as sheh waltched the Staff Mebers walk around on all 4s like dog. the undead body of mr maMablunkevoy came back to bark like dog. hE died but Ms. Gury brought him back 2 life. ms gurry giggled as ms hen pissed on the leg of 1 Of the tables by liftting up one of her legs like dog. Ms Rogue and Ms Burger King were fiting ovr a dog toy as if they were dog. Tbey were growl at eachother. Ms. Gurry thought to herself "jsut like dog..."....

Mist GUry turbed to her dog who was actualy teacher named mis reed money who was look at her angrily "WE'RE NOT DOG WE'RE HUMAN" sayed Ms. Reed mMoney but ms gurryy chuckeled "yore always gonna be my favorite dog" said Ms Gurry hapily. happily* (sory for the typo but thid is the only 1 in the story) Ms. Reed Money sayed angrily, "dont call me dog imh uman" saiys rogue_redmond angery. ms gurry laughed but her atention was brought back by mr mablunk evoys awful stench and she stand up angry "DONT SHIT INDOORS MARTIN" she yel "BAD DOG GO FUCK OUTSIDE FUCK YO"she say angry as mr mablunk evoy cry sad as he unfortunatrly shitted himself and cried

ms reed money sighed the rest of the staf member had really committed them self to the dog role? mr mablunk Evy her old friend was even now shitting himself in schol faculty for the cleaning lady to clean up.. but wait the cleaning lady was licking up piss and shit like dog ms red modey rememered... tch typical dog ms redmod sigh sadly unfortunatelly it just how it goes now in ms gurry school of dog and cat and shit... so much shit every where and also jr infants disstracking heart all the time especially sheep heart.. full of shit...

Kicking the ground absent-mindedly, Ms. Reed-Money sighed. Was this really how life would continue for her and the staff members? She didn't know how long Ms. Gurry would be their principal for, her old lover and principal Mrs. Murphy had been their principal for a long time... Ms. Reed-Money could only roar quietly and sadly, praying for a miracle to bless her. Hopefully it'd come to her soon and it'd bring Ms. Gurry back from her dog-loving and shit-eating ways... Ms. Reed-Money sighed.

What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment? Do you know where you're going? Whoa) What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect? It just needed to be? And they let me be? A hurricane of jacarandas Strangling figs (big, big) Hanging vines (this is fine) Palma de cera fills the air as I climb And I push through What else can I do?

It was my wedding day (it was our wedding day) We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky (no clouds allowed in the sky) Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin (thunder) You telling this story or am I? I'm sorry, mi vida, go on Bruno says, "It looks like rain" (why did he tell us?) In doing so, he floods my brain Abuela, get the umbrellas Married in a hurricane What a joyous day! But anyway We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no We don't talk about Bruno

Don't be upset or mad at all Don't feel regret or sad at all Hey, I'm still a part of the family, Madrigal And I'm fine, I am totally fine I will stand on the side as you shine I'm not fine, I'm not fine I can't move the mountains I can't make the flowers bloom I can't take another night up in my room Waiting on a miracle I can't heal what's broken Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle Always walking alone Always wanting for more Like I'm still at that door longing to shine Like all of you shine All I need is a change All I need is a chance All I know is I can't stay on the side Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes I would move the mountains Make new trees and flowers grow Someone please just let me know, where do I go? I am waiting on a miracle, a miracle I would heal what's broken Show this family something new Who I am inside, so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a miracle, so here I go I am ready Come on, I'm ready I've been patient, and steadfast, and steady Bless me now as you blessed us all those years ago When you gave us a miracle Am I too late for a miracle?

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