Abusive - F.P. (part 1)

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A/N - My first story in this book!
This was a request from darkandtwistedmind20 
This will be multiple parts.

TW - abusive relationship

Florence x reader


Being a stunt double was hard. Without a doubt. One of the hardest things you had ever done. You were constantly moving around from country to country, getting injuries one after another, and not having many friends outside of your job. You even lived with Florence because you had no time to take care of a house by yourself.

But one thing that was harder, was to lie. You hated lying to your team about your personal life away from work, and you hated that life in itself. Two years ago, you found yourself in one of the best relationships you could have pictured yourself in. His name was Mike, and you loved him. He was sweet, caring, understanding, and loved you more than you thought you deserved. You had been so happy with him, and when Marvel offered you a spot on the team about a year ago, mike was the first person you ran to to tell. He was excited for you, but there was something that changed in him once receiving the news.

He became cold towards you the more you were away on shoots with the team, and it got to the point where you spoke maybe once a week, even less. Whenever you got back he made no effort to see you, nor to contact you in the slightest and if he did it never ended well. He got abusive.


"Well about time you get home!!" your boyfriend spoke as soon as you stepped into the house.
"I'm sorry, work took longer than expected. I will start cooking now.", you nodded rushing to the kitchen.
"As if! I'm sure you spent time with those stupid celebriteis or whatever! Just admit you're cheating on me slut!", he yelled, suddenly right behind you and just seconds after you felt the push from behind as he shoved you hardly into the kitchen counter before turning you around and hitting you with his fist until you fell over in pain and crying. He didn'tt stop until you stopped moving and trying to protect yourself. He left you on the kitchen floor while yelling ''i'm going out, you better be here when i get back!''. And the door slammed shut.

It took a toll on you because you felt like this was a mistake, that you should have chosen your boyfriend over your career, and you felt like you had let him down and that's why everything changed. It felt like your fault. It killed you on the inside to have him be so distant and in all honesty, you didn't even know if the two of you were even still together.

It had been 4 weeks since you left for your last movie, and as you pulled up to the studio, celebrating another successful run, you couldn't help but feel a little down.

''Did you see how cool that stunt looked on screen?'' You heard Florence say to scarlett.

"Of course" Scarlett said, "I'm glad we have one of the best stunt teams to help us, because if we had to do that ourselves our asses would have been bruised 24/7"

You gave a small laugh, their encounters always being quite entertaining to you. Post-filming, you were usually talkative and socialised alongside your team, but something about today just had you feeling a little sadder than usual.

"I think I'm going home soon, do you guys wanna ride with me?" Florence asked, looking at the parking lot.

Scarlett nodded, ''how about you y/n?''
''Yeah thanks.'' I told them.

"So, Scarlett want to stay over at our house?" Florence asked, eyebrow raised as she looked between me and Scarlett. ''Yeah, it should be fun! let's go.''
You hopped into Florence's car, letting Scarlett sit in the front while you quietly took your place in the back.

Florence en Scarlett maintained some conversation about acting, so you took advantage of your lack of social ability and took out your phone, finger hovering over mike's name. Your heart got caught in your throat, the nerves getting the best of you, but you hadn't heard from him in forever, and you were aching to get in contact with him. You pressed his name and opened up a new text message.

My house, tonight at 7? I haven't seen you in forever and I'm back from filming.

You felt stupid once you sent the message, somehow feeling clingy, and you had a feeling he wouldn't answer. You honestly had no idea where you two were in your relationship, or if you even were in a relationship. You instantly regretted sending the message and locked your phone, turning it face down on your lap. A couple minutes later, you felt your phone buzz and you took a deep breath, dreading the message before turning it around and letting out a deep breath.

Sure. I'll be there.

You closed your eyes and leaned your head back on the seat, nerves settling in thinking about how it'll be to see him again after nearly a month.


This will probably be 3 parts, next part will be updated tomorrow.
Hope you liked it, if you have any ideas or requests let me know!

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