She's gone - Natasha

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A/N - eyyyy i'm finally back. Took me a while. I'll update the Wanda one shots hopefully tomorrow but definetly this week! (for the people still here, thanks for the patience)
As always if you have any requests let me know. The requests that were made for this book will be finished soon.


"Natasha, let's go out?" Wanda asked softly from the bedroom door. Natasha didn't respond, stuck in her head, staring at the wall. "Please, you've been in your for days, i'm worried about you."

"I can't. She's gone..." Natasha didn't dare cry, not in front of one of her best friends. She knew that if she cried now, she wouldn't be able to stop.

"She's still here Nat," Wanda slowly walked closer.

"She's not! She's not still here! I don't care if you feel her here, she's gone. It's all my goddamn fault I let her go. To save the world? The world is bullshit without her Wanda! I can't stand looking at the bland world without her color. Everything is black and white without her here," Natasha screamed. She shoved Wanda out, slamming the door and locking it.

The angered red head started to throw stuff around the room, pictures, little gifts that you gave her, flowers, vases, anything within her reach. She took your phone that was lying on the desk and chucked it at the window. She grew frustrated when the window didn't break, nor the phone. She needed you out of her life. She couldn't stand being reminded of you by everything she saw.

Natasha started kicking the window, not that it would do any good, it was reinforced glass. She even threw the lamp at it, which just ended up shattered all over the floor while the window didn't even have a scratch on it.

She fell to her knees, letting the broken pieces of the lamp shatter her skin. You were everywhere. There was no getting rid of you. It was like she could feel you rubbing her back, telling her it was going to be okay. But this time, it wasn't going to be okay. This time you weren't there to pull her out of the darkness.

Natasha had gotten out, in fact Cap found her at the bar almost every day of the week. She'd started to drink her problems away... To drink you away, your memories together. It led to a fight between Steve and Nat.

"Is this what she would've wanted, Natasha?! To waste your life away?!" Steve screamed.
Natasha flinched and clenched her jaw.

"Does it matter what she would've wanted? She's gone, she's dead, she's not coming back'' Nat snapped. She tried shoving the larger man away from her, but it was no use. He just engulfed her in a hug, telling her it was gonna be okay.

It infact did get better, but then it got worse. One second Natasha was smiling and cuddled up to Wanda, but the next she was back to drinking again.

This time was worse though. Natasha quickly got with the wrong crowd, hooking up with some random girl almost every night. She just needed to get you out of her brain.

"You seem off, baby," A girl that Natasha forgot the name of said, kissing up her neck. Natasha tensed up.

"I'm not here for that today," Natasha moved away. The girl looked up at her sadly, on her knees, frowning.

"Oh cmon, let's de-stress, right?" The girl said once again. Natasha finally gave in, kissing the brunette and pushing her to the bed.

Natasha popped the pills into her mouth trying not to think about what you would say if you were here. Soon, the high was coursing through her and she was stumbling through the compound doors.

"Heyy! Wandaaa," Natasha sang with a goofy smile. She made her way up to Wanda's room, not bothering to knock and immediately barging in her room.

"Oh! Hi, Nat!" Wanda spun around, quickly pulling her shirt onto her body.

"Oooo, you're pretty," Natasha stalked closer. Wanda turned red, sitting Natasha on the bed. Don't get the younger girl wrong, she loved Natasha and had the biggest crush on her. But she wasn't gonna take advantage of Natasha since she was still in a bad state.

"Thank you, it's sleep time though," Wanda mumbled. Natasha fumbled to take off her shirt, but couldn't. The younger woman helped out, changing Natasha into a different shirt to sleep in.

"Do you think I'm worthless?" Natasha asked. Wanda pushed the shirt down over her head, her heart breaking at the sight of Natasha being so broken. Wanda felt helpless.

"You're not worthless, Nattie." Wanda kissed her cheek and lied her down.

"I miss her," Natasha started to cry. Honestly, Wanda didn't know what to do. You had died a few months ago. Everyone had dealt with it except for Natasha. People thought she did, but every night she'd stumble into Wanda's room, bloodshot eyes.

"I know. I miss her too," Wanda laid down with Natasha.

"Natasha we can all tell you're high off your mind." Tony stated at the meeting. Natasha was still spaced out, looking at the new member who stole your spot at the table, "Hello? Earth to Romanoff?'' Coming back to reality, Natasha hummed. "If you aren't gonna shape up, we're gonna have to kick you off the team."

Natasha let the words settle, a slight smile coming across her face. "Okay." It finally gave her a reason to get out, there was no reason to live if she was off the team.

"Natasha, you can't leave the team.. please," Wanda whispered. Natasha just shrugged, ignoring the woman.

"We all get that you're hurt. But it's been almost a year," Steve mumbled. Sam furrowed his eyebrows, being quick to defend Natasha.

"She's taking her own time to heal, that was her fiancé. She might not be making the right choices by healing, but we aren't gonna judge how fast she can move on," San stated.

"Let's stop talking about her like she's not here, guys," Carol added. She rubbed Natasha's back. "Do you wanna get out of here?" She asked.

"No, I need a breather,"


"Y/n?" Natasha asked in the bright, echoey room. There you were, standing there. you looked ethereal. "Is it you?"

"It is. I missed you, Nattie," You walked up to her, kissing her lightly.

"Where are we?" Natasha asked, hugging you tightly. You hummed, kissing her neck.

"The afterlife? I'm not so sure yet."

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